Bonus Chapter: 1

660 22 38

Mon. 28th Oct. 2024

Angel's POV

Being in the hospital is truly uncomfortable. I felt icky and I was desperately waiting to go home. The doctors kept us for another day just to make sure Halo and I were okay.

I felt bad for my husband mostly. He had to sleep on the chair which looked really uncomfortable but he didn't care as long as he was by our side.

Halo was perfect. She had the two cutest dimples that reminded me of her father. Her hair was silky soft and curly. Everything she does amazes me. Sometimes I even cry by staring at her because it's truly beautiful what two humans can create and bring into this world.

She was a good baby. She latched on to me immediately when it came to breastfeeding and as for cuddles, she loved her father's arms. I'm not even jealous, Joon gives the best cuddles. She had a little temper, which she took from her father but she also had a calming sense which comes from me.

She truly represents us both and I honestly can't wait to take our baby girl home so she can finally meet everyone and get settled in her nursery.

It was around nine a.m in the morning and I was awake as the doctor's came in a few minutes ago to take Halo for another test. Namjoon was napping again since he was tired from being up with Halo all night.

She was crying a lot and if I'm honest, I was exhausted and he begged me to get some rest so I can fully have energy to take care of our princess.

They also told me we might get discharged today which is great because Ivanka and Ricahrd were already here to meet our little princess.

So if we leave here today, everyone could meet at our home and finally get to hold her for the first time since everyone was desperately waiting to officially introduce themselves.

The door then opens and I smiled as I saw the nurse holding Halo and the doctor coming in with a clipboard.

Namjoon sits up rubbing his eyes before coming to my side. The nurse placed Halo in my arms and I smiled as she looked up to me with the most adorable eyes.

"Everything seems good. Both you and Halo are healthy so you guys can head home today." the doctor tells us.

"Thank you. Is there anything we need to do before we leave?" Namjoon asked.

We both gave our attention to the doctor as he placed down the clipboard. "Just fill out these discharge forms, birth certificate and medical information." he states and we both nod.

As they both leave, Namjoon places a kiss on both Halo's and I cheeks before he takes a seat and begins filling out the forms.

I then began to breastfeed Halo as I cuddled her in my arms. I looked over at my husband and smiled at his concentrated face.

"You're staring." he says still looking at the files and I laughed.

"Am I not allowed to stare at my husband?" I have a question.

He smiles as he raises his head to look at me. "You're allowed but I also would prefer you do something else." he smirks.

I shake my head with a smile. "This is why we have Halo now."

He shrugs. "And if we have another, I will never stop loving you. You look very sexy as a mother right now."

"Babe filter yourself. We have a child now." I warn him jokingly.

He chuckles. "Halo will eventually know her father has no filter. Why sugar coat it now?"

"I am really wondering how you're going to survive these next few weeks." I said,

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