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The next day came, and for some reason everyone was cautious around me.

"Saki. Is something bothering you?" Itachi asked me.

"No, why?" I answered with a smile.

"... Because you are letting your killing intent out..." Itachi said back to me.

"Oh. Oopsy. Seems like I am a little clumsy today." I said in a happy tone.

I went back to my desk, and waited for the bitch to come... two hours passed and she came.

"Miss Saki. There's someone wanting to meet the Hokage."

"Let her in." I said without thinking twice.

The receptionist was confused by my quick response, but nodded. I stood up, and entered Kakashi's office.

"Saki..." He called my name like a pet that had done something wrong.

"You better end it now." I said to him.

"Yes, yes. Everything you want, but don't be mad." He said nodding his head.

I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. Only a pick.

"I will see if you do a good job or not." I said with a smirk.

Kakashi seemed to want more, but I left. I then saw the woman waiting in front my desk.

"Hello." I greeted with a smile.

"Ah! You are that girl from yesterday!" She said with a surprised gasp.

"That's right." I said with my smile not leaving my face.

"But why are you here in the desk of the Hokage's secretary...?"

Is she stupid?

"I am the secretary. You can enter now." I said not wanting to keep smiling.

"I thought you were just a little girl, but you are a secretary at your age." She said to me.

I just smiled. She entered and everything around me became cold.

"S-Saki..." Naruto called me.

"Yes?" I said with a smile.

"Umm... you seem mad..." He said to me.

"I am not mad."

"Well, then-"

"I am enraged."

He looked at me, and I was just smiling.


He then quickly gave me the scrolls and left. Minutes passed and she wasn't leaving. I began to tap my finger on the desk. I then heard the door opening.

"Leave. I will not tolerate this anymore." I heard Kakashi say out loud.

"Why!? Why don't you love me?!" She yelled crazily.

"Because I only love one person."

I couldn't control my smile, and smiled.

"You said you couldn't have a chance! I love you!"

I couldn't take it anymore, and punched my desk. It broke.

They looked at me.

"Sorry. Seems like I got too excited." I said with a sweet smile.

"Saki. Please guide her to the exit." Kakashi said to me.

I nodded, and got close to her.

"No! Get your hands off me! Kakashi!" She yelled while being dragged out.

I am Sasuke's twin sister?!?! - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now