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Narrator's pov

"Wake up, Saki."

Saki rubbed her eyes, and slowly opened her eyes.

"Who...?" She asked confused.

"You finally woke up." Nozaki said with a warm smile.

Saki looked very confused, she looked around, and didn't know what to do.

"Wait... who am I?" Saki asked more confused.

"Seems like you lost your memory..." Nozaki said with sad eyes.

Saki still couldn't understand what was happening.

"You are Saki, and I am Nozaki. We are... lovers." Nozaki said with a lovingly smile.


"We were taking a walk, when suddenly we fell from a cliff. We made it alive, but you wouldn't wake up... I was getting very worried." Nozaki explained what had happened to Saki.

Saki just stood quiet trying to understand what she was hearing.

"Everything must be very confusing, but I still love you, and even if you don't remember. I know you love me too." Nozaki said as he hugged her.

Saki stood there just letting him hug her. She felt uncomfortable, but why would he lie about something like this.

My mind is just confused. Saki thought trying to shake the weird feeling out.

A week passed and Nozaki explained how things 'were' before she lost her memory.

"We met when we were younger, and as time passed we fell in love and decided to marry. I was a ninja, but I decided to quit when you fell of the cliff. You just stayed home, waiting for me."

Saki just listened, and nodded. Everything felt unknown, but there was not reason for her to go somewhere else as Nozaki hasn't done anything bad to her.

"Then... what did I do while you worked?" Saki asked Nozaki.

"You just cleaned and cooked food for both of us. I know this is hard for you, but we will get through this. Together." Nozaki said holding her hands while looking straight at her eyes.

"... yes." Saki answered.

"Okay, you still cannot go out because it could be too much for you, but next week we can go take a walk through the village." Nozaki said to Saki while he went to the kitchen.

"Really?" Saki asked a little excited.

Maybe I can remember my past. Saki thought happily.

"Yeah, but you have to stay close to me because you might get lost."

Saki nodded, and followed him to the kitchen.

If I was the one doing the food, I should learn again so it's not too hard for Nozaki. Saki decided in her head as she looked at Nozaki.

"... Nozaki." Saki called him when they were done eating.


"Do you have photos of us? I want to remember." Saki asked Nozaki.

Nozaki tensed, and nodded.

"Yeah, I will go get them, so wait here." Nozaki said as he entered his room.

He really thinks about me... He even gave me my own room for now because he thought I might be uncomfortable... Saki thought while she waited for Nozaki.

"Here are some photos." Nozaki said handing Saki some photos.

She went through them, it was her and Nozaki doing normal stuff. But on one precise photo. She stared at it for a long time. She looked younger, but was eating Ramen with Nozaki. That wasn't the part that got her attention.

I am Sasuke's twin sister?!?! - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now