chapter thirty seven.

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Keep holding on — Avril Lavigne

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Keep holding on — Avril Lavigne

Gianina had gotten her own apartment in order to keep others away from her yet, there always seemed to be a problem people needed help fixing. No matter how long she tried to ignore things, or have fun by herself, or just try to heal from the events of the past year, nobody would leave her alone. It was as if she was meant to be uneasy her entire life.

"Is this going to become a regular thing?" The Salvatore girl asked impatiently, tapping her foot on the ground as she rested on the door frame.

"Only if you want it to." Klaus responded slyly, making his way into the apartment. "We have some business to discuss, it's about your brother."

"Oh, you mean one of the people who uses me just as equally, if not more than you do?" Gianina rolled her eyes as she let the door shut behind her, the woman's feet bringing her to the middle of the living room.

"Use you? I do not use you, Gianina. I have never set out to do that, and I never will." The Mikaelson man explained, in an almost fragile way before he continued what he had set out to say. "But my family is important to me, and yours has taken it away. I must get my siblings back."

"You mean the people you locked in boxes?" Gia shook her head slightly. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to help you, I can't help you."

"Surely you must know what I have to do to make Stefan willing to give them back." Klaus commented, the look of frustration in his eyes evident.

"You overestimate how close I am to my brother, he despises me." Gianina let the words flow out of her, not even realizing how vulnerable she would feel afterwards. "I don't know either of my brothers as much as they know each other, and they'd both kill me before letting anything happen to the other so, i'd rather stay out of this."

"... but they cannot kill you." The Mikaelson man reminded her.

"I'd really hate to go through the pain of seeing them try." The Salvatore girl lightly cleared her throat as she walked to the front door, opening it back up again. "Goodbye, Klaus."

The mans eyes held a million emotions as he walked passed the girl but, the main one that surfaced as he intended to pay her brother a visit?


Being locked up in her home was apparently the worst idea Gianina Salvatore could have ever had. Someone was knocking at the door yet again but, this one was weak, fragile even. She knew it couldn't have been Klaus, he was always aggressive when he came to the door but, if not him, who else would it be?

She scrambled to her feet, pulling her robe onto her body as she approached the door, an annoyed pout on her lips. She didn't have any friends so she couldn't comprehend why so many people came to her door. The girl turned the knob begrudgingly, and resisted the urge to shut it as soon as it was opened.

YOU BROKE ME FIRST, tvdTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang