Mission failed

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TW : torture and rape!


I was woken up by Dreykov, I had been at what I've come to know as The RedRoom for almost 9 years, making me 12. Everyday was a struggle, we were trained, tortured and yelled at. I had learn how to fire a weapon and how to fight. It soon became clear that hand to hand combat wasn't really my thing, I sucked at it. But firing a gun was more my speed, it was easy and fast. We learned all kinds of languages but meanly spoke Russian and English. If we didn't speak in a propper accent we would get locked up until we proved we could do it right. 

I had gotten in trouble a lot because of my failures. But at the end of the day they were glad that I could work a gun. I was great with a sniper rifle, way more precise as most of the other girls. I got beaten every time I had to fight someone. Dreykow always stopping them just before they killed me. I was a failure but I had one quality and it was saving my life. 

Dreykov told me to follow him to a room where I was informed that I was going on my first mission. By now I had taken out a lot of people for him, but always in here, never out there. I was never allowed to leave, no one was, only if you went on a mission. I had killed children, babies, elderly and even my peers. It was horrible I hated every second of it, but is was either them or me. At some point I wanted to stop, I couldn't take it anymore, they could just kill me, I was done. But every time I looked down the barrel and I was fearing my life, I would pull the trigger. Over and over again, every time they asked me to. 

I had to eliminate a target. If it was possible I was allowed to do it from a distance but they warned me that they thought that that wouldn't be possible. This was one on which I had to get my hand dirty, literally. I had three days to complete the mission and report back. Just before I left I was injected with a tracker. 'Just as a repocotion' they told me. 

I was sent to some stinky motel in a dark corner of the country, when I arrived some men were waiting for me. They told me that they had all the information I needed but I would have to earn it. I was so scared I wanted to run, but I knew the second I did they would find me. I didn't have a passport or any other identification for that matter, they would have caught me before I could reach the border. 

I slowly followed the men to the motel room. The lights didn't work properly and it was very dim in there. I saw all the folders laying on the table, so I walked up to them. Grabbing one of them to examine it. I needed to know how I was killing and where I was supposed to do it. I couldn't return empty handed. That's the only thing I knew for sure.

Just as took the first folder into my hands one of the men locked the door behind us. I was now in a dark room with three grown man, hungrily eyeing me. Eyes filled with greed.

"I told you, you had to earn that information, and since you already looked at it, I guess you're willing to pay the prize." 

The men slowly locked me in. There was nowhere for me to go. One of the men started unbuckling his pants. I realized what was about to happen and kicked the guy in his balls. He screamed in pain as he dropped to his knees. The two other guys how were just watching upon this point, now moved forward. He lashed out hitting me across the face, I could feel my face burning up, tears filling my eyes. I forced them back not wanting them to fall. Another hit landed in my gut, causing me to fall to the ground. 

The man I had just kicked was now standing leaning over me. Then he kicked me in my stomach over and over until I was throwing up. The men then lifted me up placing me on the bed as the discarded my clothes. I couldn't move everything was hurding, and they were holding me down. The men then took turns, with every penetration my tears became more violent, to the point I could no longer hold them. Time passed, I had no idea how long it has been, I felt gross, useless, trash. 

After his I could no longer think straight everything was clouded. I still had a job to do but I couldn't, I just couldn't move. The men had left but I just leayed there. Three days went by without me knowing it. Eventually I managed to get up. I saw I still had an hour to complete the mission. I pulled myself together and went to the target. Not realizing how fuckup I was, I tried to fight the guy bare handed. I just needed to punch someone.

I followed him out after a conference and made my way with him to the car. Just as he is about to step in I slem his door shut, and hit him on the back of his neck. Only for it to have no effect wat so ever. I was weak, especially after what happend to me, I din't eat after that nor dit I sleep. I was a complete mess.  

This was the most stupid idea I had ever had as I didn't stood a chance against him. After being completely beaten down, left barely breathing on the sidewalk of an ally. I don't know how but somehow I ended up back at the RedRoom being woken up by more strikes against my head. It was Dreykov.

"My little Widow, I warned you not to fail me. You didn't pass the mission, you failed, the mission failed! I no longer have use for you, you are and always will be a disappointment. Your nothing compared to my Natasha." He scolded.

"She is no longer yours" I spit out as I knew this was the end for me.


Hey as always feel free to leave a comment. I would like to hear what you all think of it so far. If you have any ideas for the future of this book don't hesitate to let me know. Let me know what you think happened to Victoria next.

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