I hate Monday

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"Good morning Miss Romanoff it's currently 6am. time to get up." Jarvis spoke. I stretched myself out and got up. Jheez, Why did I want to do a workout for class? Today was the first day of me giving Russian. My schedule was pretty easy. I had two classes a week, one on Monday morning from 9am till 11 am and one on Thursday from 6pm till 7pm. 

It took me only a half an hour to drive to the campus, Fury had arranged a nice apartment close to the University. It was now 8:40, great I was going to be late on my first day. I had spent the weekend preparing a few classes and doing some background research on all the people attending my class. There were 15 children taking Russian, but I was warned that most of them would drop out before the second week was over. Apparently that was some kind of deadline, after which the grades would be final, and most of them would probably realize that Russian wasn't as easy as it sounds. 

Most of them were pretty average, most had somewhat rich parents others had a little less. All good students with great grades, some did some other extra curricular. Most of the other extras didn't count as a course but Russian did. There was one girl though of which I couldn't really find much on. What set of my alarms immediately. Her name was Victoria Tyler Jones, I could find a birth certificate but besides that not much, most of the information I could find seemed rather fake. Definitely someone I was going to keep an eye on.

I made my way to the auditorium and arrived fifteen minutes late, all the student were probably already inside. I opened the door and went inside, I can't lie playing a strict teacher wasn't so bad, this could be fun. 

"доброе утро, Меня зовут профессор Романовна"
(good morning, my name is professor Romanovna.) 

"Пожалуйста, возьмите свои места и молчать"
(Please, all take your seats and be quite.)

F me, I was woken up by somebody banging at my door, I stumbled out of bed and made my way to the door. Just as I reached for the handle my door swung open. It was Sophia, already completely dressed and ready to go. I had to jump back in order to avoid being hit by my door. 

"Goood morning beautiful" she smiled

"What time is it?! and why are you so loud?" I say as I try to make my way back to bed, side eyeing the alarm clock besides my bed. It was 7:45, way to early. I really hate Monday.

"What do you mean? why aren't you dressed, it's 7:45, time to go?"

"Uh no it isn't class don't start until 9" I say facepalming my bed.

"What? No they start at 8!?"

"No Soph they start at 9 but since your here and I'm now clearly awake we can go get some breakfast." I pulled myself together and got out again, then grabbed some clothes.

"I'm going to take a shower while you check your schedule, then we go for breakfast, and your paying because you woke me up for no reason."

As I went to take a shower Soph went to check her phone and guess what, I was right. After about fifteen minutes I was ready to go, it took fifteen minutes to walk to the Languages Hall from my room. That left us with about forty-five minutes to grab some breakfast in the dining hall.  Soph had field hockey I think so we went our separate ways.

After we eat I went to my classrooms, I arrived 5 minutes early but since the door was already open I went in and took a seat somewhere in the back of the room. I sat down on my table with my feet on the chair as I looked down on someone I had yet to learn the name off, who was leaning her seat against the wall. Slowly everybody strolled in, it was only a small group of people. Everybody was walking around talking and having fun, the teacher wasn't here yet. After about 10 minutes post start time some students left. Most of us were still here but the group was really getting very small I think there were only 10 of us left.

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