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Chapter twenty-eight

Chapter twenty-eight

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I woke up but I wasn't in the school anymore I was in the hospital? Wait what? I turn over to see Sara next to me crying. I got up and turn around I saw myself?? I look dead on the bed. How did this happen but the better question is how can I see this and why?

"Ava I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything I'm such an idiot for leaving you there when I would of just stayed and kept you save" Sara saids while tears are coming out of her eyes 

"Sara I'm here I'm alive" I try talking to her but it doesn't look like she can hear me.

"I'm the one who should of died not you. You would of been doing so good for this world and god you would of been an amazing mother"

"Babe?" I say getting closer to her but again she couldn't hear me.

There was a knock on the door "miss Evans you only have a couple of minutes left before we have to take her away sadly" Sara nodded

"Do you remember when we first met. I told you a picture lasts longer and you looked away blushing. You were sweet I was rude. when we had to work together i knew I couldnt be rude or stubborn. i knew you weren't playing hard to get because you didn't know what was going on or how it happened. But let me tell you how it happened,

I fell Ava. I fell for you. For your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your everything.

Because on that very first day I kept my eye on you, seeing you go around with a smile on your face while walking with Amaya just made me realize you weren't any new girl you were my new girl. You were mine ever since I layed eyes on you in the hall away of senior year.

At the end of the day I got what I always wanted. You. I just wanted you to be happy but instead I felt like you had pain inside of you that you were hiding from me which really hurt."

She stops to wipe her tears, "I'm sorry I'm so sorry this happened I'm sorry wheeler and I couldn't be there because my dumbass didn't say anything. Forgive me"

I saw her sitting down on the chair and getting something out of her bag. A gun. I was shocked she was going to do this because I was died no this can't not be happening right now

"I love you" she whispered

"Sara put the gun down" "Sara.." she pulled the trigger "SARA" I tried to touch her but I just go right through what the fuck is going on some one please tell me.

I cried softly when I heard something "miss wheeler?" I look up to see this woman with brown hair and eyes "y-yeah? Are y-you real"

"no I'm not this is all not real it's just a dream that you can control. I'm Gideon, the reason why your here is because you were having some sort of attack that caused you to have a meltdown and well-"

Everyone was hiding in the closet class room the lights were off while the police showed up but everyone was still inside just in case. Lucky there was a little couch in the social studies class room. I layed Ava down she looked so cute asleep.

Sara what the fuck? there's a shooter outside and your looking at your girlfriend sleeping and saying how cute she looks. Like who does that.

Shut the fuck up I didn't ask you

Are you really yelling at your mind right now?

Yes. You started it.

"What if she had like a Panic attack?" "Are thoses a thing?" I asked ray "yes they are" "maybe she was stressed?" Nora jumped In the conversation "probably, have you heard from the others?" "No I know who's here but i don't know where" Nora saids

"I hope no one got hurt" "don't we all"

I pull out my phone to see a new outlet thingy "breaking news a guy with a black mask is shooting and demanding to go in the star city high school. Reporters say that he will not stop until he get revenge on his old math teacher" I sigh out of relief that it's not nyssa. Thank you god

"So your saying that this is not real and that this is a nightmare that I'm having?" I calm myself down "Yes" "yeah I'm not doing this right now how do I wake up?"

"Just close your eyes and just Imagine yourself waking up but in the class room that should help"
"Thank you Gideon" "of course" she smiled

I woke up on a couch with sara standing in front of me with ray and Nora sitting on desks "I hate being trapped in this fucking school" sara saids pissed off

I pulled the back of her pants she turns around and see that I'm awake "hi babe are you okay?" She bend down "yeah I'm okay thank you for asking" I smiled a little

It's so hard for me to look at Sara I just saw there kill herself in front of me I can never move on. Why does this happen to me and only me?


 917 word count

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917 word count

I love you all and have a good night <33

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