Friend group

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Chapter twelve

Chapter twelve

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I woke up the my phone ringing I look over to see what I am hugging it's a pillow. Sara couldn't sleepover last night but she did Drive me home. "Damn I miss her that much" I say under my breath I look at my phone to see Amaya calling me I answer

"hello?" I say "Ava where are you?" "What do you mean where am I? I was sleeping" "WHAT? Girl it's a school day!!" "No it's not" "yeah it is and your going to be late come on get ready" "I thought it was Sunday!!" "Call me when your almost here love you byee" "okay! love you too"

I ran to my bathroom and take a shower quickly today I dressed differently I put on a black Crop top, blue ripped jeans with a gray sweater. I put on rings that Sara left in my room and went downstairs. Of course my dad wasn't home he has work.

I just grabbed a Apple and ran to the car "damn I better not be late" I drive off. I get to school and I see my friend group. I park not that far away from the front entrance. "Hey babes" I say walking to them "you finally made it" Amaya saids "welp here I am" I say. I look at Sara she puts her arm around me and kisses my forehead.

I turn to her "I missed you" I whispered in her ear "I did too" she said as I layed my head around her neck. "You look different I like it" she saids I was about to say something back but Nora interrupted me "Guys me and ray have something to tell you guys" Nora saids as I Lyft my head off of Sara to give my Attention to her.

We all look at them "me and ray ar-" "pregnant duh" mick saids "ho-how did you know?" "well it's the next thing that happens in high school going into college don't you think?" "Uh yeah" Nora saids we wear all shocked. "So ima be a uncle?" Nate saids "bro nah we are going to be the coolest uncles" behrad saids walking up to us.

"Oh hell yeah" Nate saids as he turns over to him. Zari runs to him "behrad I thought you were going to be back in two weeks" she saids hugging him "yeah well I wanted to surprise my sis" he saids hugging her back. "Aww this is just to cute" i say as Sara chuckled. "Ava this is behrad my brother and behrad this is Ava one of my best friends" "nice to meet you behrad" I say "you too Ava" he smiled

"Hey mates am I late to the party?" Charile saids coming up to us "oh my god behrad??!!" She saids as she hugs him "long time no see" he saids "after school do you guys want to go to the hung out?" I say "yeah i don't think we don't have anything to do" Amaya saids as she chuckles everyone nods. "Ok so lunch time we will go up there" Sara saids then the bell rings "I guess that's our cue let's go" Charlie saids

We all go to our classes I lucky I have most of my classes with Amaya she's my best friend and my first friend when I got here. I am grateful I met her. She had her head on my shoulder and almost fell asleep "girl wake up your gonna get in trouble" "no I ain't besides I was just closing my eyes not falling asleep" "sure say that"

Later it's lunch time

I walk up the hill with Amaya and Sara behide me "Ava you got a nice ass" sara saids with a smirk on her face "thank you but I'm sure you have seen it lots of times" "yeah but not that many" she saids with a pout "guys im right here remember that" Amaya saids. I chuckled "sorry she just can't control herself" I say "I can control myself" Sara saids "no you can't love" I smile

We get the the hung out some of them were there
"Nate and ray went to go get pizza" Nora saids "mmm I would love that right about now" I say "well babes you gonna wait" "yeah no" I take out a apple and bite into it. They look at me "what I'm hungry I can't help it" I say with my mouth full. I sit on Sara lap "can I have a bite?" Sara saids pouting. I put the apple close to her mouth and she bites a piece off.

"Thank you" she saids as I lay my head on her chest we all just chill and waited for ray and Nate to come back with the pizza but mean while we put a movie on the projector. Ray open the door "hi guys" he saids with a smile "we got pizza" Nate saids I look over and throw my apple away to get two slices of pizza for me and my girlfriend.

"Here you are" I say with a smile "thank you babe" we all were eating and laughing. Man I love this.


 881 word count love y'all byeee <333

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881 word count
love y'all byeee <333

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