What just happened

396 17 6

Chapter five

Chapter five

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


"Okay" Sara saids to me. She had her head on top of mine I got up Sara followed me. Sleeping with Sara wasnt so bad at all I really liked it. But it really gave me déjà vu of me and my ex I wish i never met him.

"Hey" I say walking up to a seat next to Nora "oh hey here's your breakfast it was already made by Charlie's mom" Nora saids "oh okay thank you" I started eating when sara started talking "Wheeler can I sleepover at your house tonight my sister is having friends over and she doesn't want me to be there" she saids while she sighs 
"uh sure I will just have to ask my dad" I opened my phone and texted my dad

Me: hey dad can Sara stay over for the night? 

Dad❤️: yeah sure

Me: okie thank you we have to work on a school project anyways

Dad❤️: okay well I'm not going to be home tonight I have to work over night just so we can have some extra cash, order something for dinner I'll be back in the morning

Me: okay love you

"He said yeah" "thank you" she came up to me and hugged me "no problem" I smile "do you wanna go now so we can get a head start on the project?" "Yeah let me just get my stuff" she saids as she runs to Amaya's room "okay I will wait in the car" I yell loud enough to her to hear "bye guys call you guys later" "bye Ava" they all said

I get in my car and wait for Sara.

I was looking at my mirror to fix my hair when I heard the door open "hey" I say sweetly "hi" she saids as she sits down and takes out her phone "we might need to go to the store" "sure" I drive to Target we go in she takes a toothbrush, toothpaste and some candy she didn't buy clothes because she would just use mine I guess.

I pay for my things and grab the bag "before you go Sara can I take a picture with you? if you don't mind" "of course" She hands her phone to Ava and she takes the picture "omg thank you!" "No problem" I smile while Ava just looked at me making a face,
I laughed.
"why are you laughing?" "because you were making that face" "what face?" "Nothing" I try to hold in my laugh. We walk out and go to the car.

"Okay now we can go to your house" I let out a smile "finally I'm still tried" "of course you are" I playfully roll my eyes "hey!!" She slaps my shoulder I laugh, we finally got to her house. She unlocked the door and we both got in.

I didn't know it was big but it doesn't look big from the outside her living room was nice the first thing she said she was going to show me her room "and this is my room it's a little messy but I haven't gotten all of my stuff yet"

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