Chapter 16

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Harold POV

As I awoke from a surprisingly peaceful sleep, I saw no one in the tent and looked around for a bit before getting out of the bed.I walked out of the tent and started to think of the lady that I dreamed of right before, she looked sort of like Annabeth, but somehow prettier? I don't think that was possible. But the Annabeth look-a-like told me to do the opposite of what I have been trying to do for the past year, so no way in the world would I, Harold Reese give up Annabeth for that average looking Percy Jackson.

I started to feel more confident, As I started to my makeshift room in the big house I saw a few Aphrodite campers. They looked at me and gave me a sneer, what had I done this time? I thought I was getting along good enough with the campers the past few weeks. One of them pushed past the rest of the group and started heading my way, Compared to the other girls, this girl seemed to be going for the kind/shy look instead of the pretty kind of look. 

"Hey, Harold right?"

"Yeah that's me, why'd you need to know?"

"Uh, Chiron told me to get you and tell you to head to the big house. There's something big going on."

She spoke in a soft quiet voice, her words sort of compelled me, but not in the way Percy did that one time in class, her words made me want to do it simply because her voice sounded kind, and if I didn't do as asked she would feel betrayed.

"Uhh, yeah I'll head over there now, thanks...What's your name?"

"Skyler, and no problem it was nice to be of assistance!"

She smiled and walked away, while I walked quickly toward the big house. When I got there I saw a few people already inside the meeting room, I entered and saw Annabeth near the front of the table with Percy at her side.

"Hey Harold, I take it you fully recovered?" 

Annabeth said without looking up from the paper that was on the table

"Yeah totally! Skylar said there's something urgent that needed to be discussed?"

"Hello Harold, yes there is something that needs to be discussed. I assume you've met Rachel?"

Chiron said

"Yes, right before getting struck by freaking lightning.What was that about anyway?"

Percy let out a small snort, and Annabeth gave him a slap to the arm.

"Yeah..... You kind of got struck by lightning since you insulted my friends and I and you talked about the gods, remember what I said to you before you passed out?"

I racked my memories for what he said, and one memory appeared.

"Secondly, don't talk about the gods, they don't like you."

"What does that mean? The gods don't like me? I don't think that's true one bit, why would I be standing here if I wasn't the least bit important. I think you just failed to come back with a good comeback, so you lied."

"Pfft, hate to break it to you, but not only do the gods hate you, but so do half the people who've ever met you. You're only still alive cause I made a promise, and you're the least bit important, since we just got a quest that probably involves you dying. Yay!"

I'm only still alive since he made a promise? To who?

"What quest?"

"Take a look"

I walked over to be on the other side of Annabeth and started to read the paper

One day, the boy that is struck will fall to the last of his days

He will face many tasks and challenges

One will be his fall

There must be the son of sea and the child of beauty that accompany him to his fall

He must find the boar that Atlanta slayed

His task is to slay it again

I look over at Annabeth with a confused face, only for her to say one word


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