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Dawn. Still no sign of Chelsea. We'd fallen a day behind schedule and still were no closer to our way into the Little Palace. I continued to pace with anxiety and hundreds of thoughts flooded my mind. Jesper then asked the question I was hoping I'd regret thinking.
"You don't think know...she's run off you?"
"She wouldn't. At least I'd like to think that she wouldn't...Not over here anyway. It's dangerous over here. She doesn't know this side of the Fold either, she's never been on this side of the Fold." I stressed, running a hand through my slightly messy hair
" stay here and rest boss. We'll take a look around." Jesper said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and watched as he walked briskly out the door and across the small grass field towards the main town. I just hoped she hadn't decided to leave for good this time.

'You stupid STUPID IDIOT Chelsea' I cursed at myself mentally. 'You wasn't even drunk and you let that cheap blow past you. Now look' I growled at myself and then grimaced at the badly bleeding wound I was clutching with nothing more than my bandanna. 'Kaz is gunna kill me. That's if I don't bleed to death before I get to him...' I thought, slight panic beginning to take over. I looked up from the ground, tearing my focus away from my wound for just a few seconds before seeing the house with the small front field just a few meters in front of me. I'd made it. 'We're they even here?' Hope filled my body as I got closer and closer. Only one way to find out if they're still here or not.
"KAZ! KAZ HELP ME!" I shouted as loud as I could. My voice was weaker than I thought it would be. My legs were barely holding me up and the blood loss made me feel nauseous and lightheaded.
"CHELSEA!" I heard Kaz's panic-stricken voice emerging from the front of the house. I felt a wave of relief flood through me before my injury got the better of me, strength gave out and I collapsed on the ground, my vision blurred and a loud ringing in my ears. I saw Kaz's face appear above me and could just about make out his heartbroken expression.
"Let's get you inside. I can help you in there. I have to..." Kaz was broken to pieces seeing me like this. I may not have been fully conscious but there was no way I was letting myself go under completely. If I did that, there was a chance I wouldn't wake up again and I refused to leave Kaz on his own. I never should have left. I'm nothing without him. He's the only reason I can focus. My focus stems from knowing that I protect him and I keep him safe. And I can usually only focus if he's there and I can see or hear him. I felt Kaz's arms slide under me as he lifted me off the ground.
"Kaz...leg..." My slurred voice managed to get out.
"I don't give two fucks about my leg or if it hurts or not, all I care about is saving your life." Kaz said, walking back across the field and somehow containing his limp. Maybe it was to make me worry less and just let him get on with whatever he was going to do?
"But..." I got cut off
"But nothing." Kaz began, walking inside the house. "JESPER! SHE'S HERE BUT HURT BADLY. BRING MY BAG DOWN NOW!" Kaz shouted up the stairs before carrying me into the living room area and laying me down on the sofa. I forced myself to come back to my senses more, the urge to keep Kaz safe taking over and probably doing more damage to me than good.
"'re only making yourself bleed out more." Kaz's voice soothed me, his hand stroking my cheek gently. I shook my head.
"I can't. I have to keep you safe. I can't loose you." I said, my emotions going haywire.
"He's not going anywhere Chels. I won't let anyone near him..." Jespers voice chimed in as he handed Kaz's bag to him. Kaz opened the bag and pulled out a file with a needle and syringe.
"I don't want to do this but I am going to have to if you're going to pull through this. Your worry about protecting me..." Kaz's talking drew my attention from his hands "is elevating your heart rate and that is making you bleed more..." I felt a sharp scratch in the side of my neck and Kaz's hand grabbed mine in comfort as a small gasp of pain left my mouth. "Shhh. I love you and I'll be here when you wake up." Kaz's soft but worried smile and caring eyes were the last things I saw before darkness took over.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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