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Two and a half years.
Two and a half years of torture and torment.
Two and a half years of searching tirelessly and using all of our sources.
Two and a half years without her.
She was my everything. I'd even go as far as to say that I loved her.
I still do love her.
"Hey boss I just saw - oh you're in deep thoughts again so I'll just um go and um -" Jesper, the group fool but also my lookout and decoy came in babbling unexpectedly and disrupted my thoughts
"For gods sake Jesper what!?" I said irritability, standing up and paint with anxiety.
"It's fine. It's nothing. Honestly. Just I saw Chelsea is all. I'll tell you later." He said, about to walk out. I grabbed my cane and brought it across the doorway, blocking his escape.
"Sit." I ordered him, pointing to a chair. Jesper sat down and crossed his legs. "You think that is nothing! You are going to tell me where you saw her?" I asked him with a threatening tone in my voice.
"In the quieter outskirts of town. She said she's laying low and doesn't want to be found." He said.
"Wait, wait, wait. Said? You spoke to her?" I snapped, furious that he'd kept all this from me for so long.
"Yeah. We had a small chat. She threatened to reshape my sternum if I told you exactly where she was. That's all I can say. Sorry boss but I value my life." Jesper said, standing up. I stopped him though. If she had any issues, she could take them up with me.
"Jesper. I'm warning you. Tell me where she is." I asked him again.
"I couldn't tell you. I saw her in the street. There was no location. The only thing I could see was a bar and I doubt she'd go there." He replied. I let him up and he brushed off his jacket.
"What about the heart renderer? We have 12 hours." He asked from the doorway.
"Chelsea is more important. I need to see her first. You guys can find the heart renderer. And I'm going to change the deal regarding Inej who I also bought from the school. It was stupid of me. I should have given Chelsea a chance to prove herself. I was just too scared of loosing her in a fight. I'll go there tonight and see if I can find her." I said, sitting back down in my chair and watching Jesper leave without another word.


The overwhelming smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies filled my lungs as I found a quiet seat in a shaded corner of the bar I was in. It was the only bar in these parts. My only hope of finding her. She had to be here. Jesper would never lie to me...he knew better.
"You looking for some company handsome?" One of the whores of the place asked, sitting on the table.
"No. I'm with someone already." I snapped back sharply, giving the bitch a glare. And that's when I saw it. The flash of a fiery red ponytail. Chelsea. I'd know that hair colour anywhere.

She was sat alone at a table, her head resting on her hand and a broken, defeated expression rested on her once happy and full of life face. I'd done this to her. I'd broken her down to nothing when I bought Inej. I bought Inej because I wanted to protect Chelsea. I didn't care if Inej died on a mission but Chelsea...if she died...well let's just say that I wouldn't be far behind her.
"You know that lass do ya son?" An elderly man asked, standing next to me.
"Yes. She was mine once. But I lost her through a foolish mistake. I did something which I thought would keep her safe but in reality, it drove her away from me. I'd do anything to change that." I spoke deep from my heart.
"Then try to talk to her. She's been in here every night for the past two and a half years. First night she appeared, she was a mess...she silently cried but she was still a complete wreck regardless. The darkness inside her mind kills her slowly. The curse of depression is real. May the saints have mercy on her and guide her through to the other side. Usually when they get this bad...they can't be helped." The man said solemnly before walking off back over to the bar. I thought deep into his words. She couldn't have it. Not Chelsea. She was so happy. How the hell did it get a hold of her this quickly? I took a deep breath as these thoughts raced through my mind and I begun to approach her. Would she remember me? I hope she did. I want to admit to her that I love her. I needed to tell her that I never meant to make her feel like she was being replaced.
"So Jesper can't keep his mouth shut after all..." that voice of silk spoke. Her usual soft but energetic tone was replaced with nothing but numbness and emptiness. She barely even looked up at me. "Hello Kaz."
"Chelsea. May I?" I asked, wanting her to accept my company. She shouldn't be in a place like this in such a vulnerable state.
"There's nothing I have to say to you Kaz. You have your pick of the girls. I wasn't one of them. I was so stupid and pathetic to think that you would see something special in me. There's nothing special about me. Just go...please. Leave me to forget the past in peace." Her broken voice spoke, shattering my heart and brimming my eyes with tears. If I stood any chance of saving her, I needed to be respectful of her wishes. She was dangerous before when I knew what she was like but this emotional change and numbness could have caused a different set of reactions than the ones I was used to.
"I'm sorry. You were never being replaced. Look, you know where to find me. I'll be at home. Just know that I'm going to be going on that job at sunrise and I may not return. You have a place right at my side if you change your mind." I spoke to her, stroking her head once as I left, hiding the tears that rolled down my cheeks.


Hours had passed since my return from seeing Chelsea and still nothing. Maybe she really did want to forget. I couldn't blame her after what I'd done. It was a stupid idea and I should have asked her first. Either that or chosen a guy. I was just thinking of maybe a friend for her as well rather than just a bunch of guys. Distracted by my thoughts, I failed to realise that the footsteps were not those of anyone friendly.
"Kaz Brekker." Was all I heard before a fight broke out. Pecker. One of his guys grabbed me and slammed my face on the desk before Pecker took my legs out with my own cane. I was defenceless, especially since I had a fucked leg. Great job Jesper and Inej were doing being lookout and guard. I wasn't really paying attention to him, more focussed on the fact that he was digging the handle of my cane, which was shaped like a crows head and beak with emeralds for eyes, into the back of my neck painfully. He warned me off of the job but like fuck was I going to listen.

When he and his goons finally left, I sat slumped on my side against the desk in pain and severely shaken up. Anyone who was anyone that had heard of me and my reputation knew that it took a lot to shake me up. Another set of footsteps caught my attention. I didn't recognise these ones either. Looking around, I tried to find something to use as a weapon to defend myself with.
"Kaz!?" That voice. Her voice. I turned around and looked to the doorway, hoping that I wasn't being tricked. I wasn't. It was her. She was actually here.
"Chelsea...?" I breathed out in a sigh of relief. Her face was that of pure concern and worry and her eyes searched over my body frantically to make sure I wasn't more seriously hurt.
"Kaz. Those guys I saw leaving...did they?" She asked, looking back at the doorway and then to me again. I swallowed and took a deep breath before letting out a shaky nod. "I swear to fuck. They are not going to walk away from this-" she started but I cut her off.
"It was Pecker." I said, my voice unsteady and my body trembling.
"I don't give two shits who it was I'll-" She started again but I stopped her.
"Chelsea please. Stay with me. Don't leave me again. Please." I begged her. Nobody ever saw this side of me. The vulnerable, weak and emotional man that I became in the presence of my only reason for truly appreciating and living my life now. She was the only one who would ever see this side of me. She pulled me against her chest and I wrapped my arms around her, letting all my emotions come out together in one hit. She stroked my hair softly and kissed the top of my head, her fingers working through the roots of my hair at the base of my neck, making me shiver in pleasure and comfort.
"It's Okay, it's okay...I'm here. I'm here Kaz...I'm here. I'm home and I'm never leaving again." She whispered softly into my hair, kissing the top of my head again and then resting her chin on my shoulder. I've got her back and I am never going to let anything drive us apart again.

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