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Flashbacks taunted me that evening.
Flashbacks of him.
Flashbacks of us.
I once belonged to someone. Someone powerful and brave. But he didn't want me. I knew that he didn't want me from the day I saw him leave that building with her. No it wasn't an Orchid girl but rather a girl from a school. He was bragging to her about how she was the only girl there worth his money. He'd bought me from the exact same school and had said the exact same thing to me four years ago. I guess that's how he 'moved on through life' as he was always talking about. Moving on and forgetting about the past so it didn't cloud judgements or decisions in the future. I was once the girl of Kaz Brekker. But two and a half years ago during the night whilst he was sleeping, I crept out of the house and vanished. I'd heard rumours of how Kaz apparently cried himself to sleep every night and how apparently he'd turned cold and sharp since my disappearance. At first everyone thought I'd been taken but it was an impossible theory what with Kaz being such a light sleeper and being known to awaken at the slightest noise.

I tossed in bed for the hundredth time as I lay there resting before gunshots sounded from the town's market. There's only one trouble-maker around these parts who would shatter such a peaceful evening in such a unique manner. Jesper. Kaz's decoy and lookout and also my best friend. If there was any reason to start kicking my depression in the face, it was to get out of bed and catch up with Jesper. I'd been hanging low and didn't want Kaz to find me just yet. Actually change that, I didn't want Kaz finding me at all. No doubt this little stunt by Jesper was an attempt to lure me out. He knew I couldn't resist yelling all sorts of shit at Jesper for unnecessary drama, especially first thing in the morning. I would do exactly that, but I'd do it from the cover of somewhere I couldn't be seen. So I opened my window and low and behold...there he was. Jesper. Dancing about as if he didn't have a care in the world.
"Jesper you bloody fool! Get your arse up here. And lock the door behind you again afterwards." I shouted from the window. He spun about on his heel in confusion before finally looking up and finding where I was shouting from, his face lighting up.
"Oh! Hey Chels! How are you?" He said back with a huge grin.
"We'll if you come up, we can catch up. I'm not blowing my cover!" I raised my voice slightly. "Now get in!"
"Okay. If you insist!" He shrugged before prancing his way inside in his usual foolish manner. I rubbed my face and quickly pulled on some pants and a loose fitting top before slipping my boots on and tucking my knives and my gun from Kaz into my waistband and heading downstairs to greet Jesper.
"Nice to see you again Jes." I said, entering the living room area.
"You too Chels! You are looking amazing these days ya know. How long has it been? A year...two?" He asked.
"Two and a half years since I vanished from Kaz and the Crow Club." I corrected him, pouring myself and Jesper a drink of something strong.
"This stuff is really bad for your liver and kidneys. Not to mention what it does to someone's judgement." Jesper said, taking a sip gingerly. "But you know what, this shit is good!" He grinned after letting it melt in his throat. That's what this liqueur did. Melted like burning gold in your throat.
"These are unknown parts for you Jesper. What are you doing so far from home?" I asked, tipping the remainder of the liquid in my glass down the back of my throat.
"We'll um......looking for someone. She's a heart renderer and she has to get this guy to talk. Kaz needs her. Just like he still needs you." Jesper said. My anger got the better of me for a split second.
"Kaz doesn't need me. He's got that shit assassin girlfriend and now this heart renderer. He's well off and clearly doesn't need me." I snapped, pouring another drink and tipping it down my throat violently.
"Kaz does need you. Nobody sees or hears what I see and hear like I do. Kaz still cries over you...he still randomly searches for you in bars...he drinks at the mere mention of your name and god have mercy on anyone who tries to hit on him. He kills em. Kills em dead right there. He's weak Chelsea. Barely eats anymore and he's got this leg injury now. Someone took him good." Jesper said, filling me in on pretty much everything.
"So why does he need that assassin or the heart renderer." I pressed.
"Well...we're on a job." He said.
"Let me guess...the one million Krueger job." I said with a laugh.
"Yep. Kaz says he's doing this because it involves clearing his debts and hopefully winning you back but I think he's doing it because he doesn't care about whether he lives or dies anymore." Jespers words echoed in my ears. Kaz doesn't care whether he lives or dies anymore.
"Is that so?" Is all I could reply with because of the shock and heartbreak.
"You know Kaz. He would have done anything for you. He'd take you back in a heartbeat if you showed up and asked him. I need to go now though because if I'm late back, I'm gunna be in a lot of trouble from the boss. It was nice seeing you Chels? Do I pass on any regards?" He asked, hanging by the door for a response.
"You can tell Kaz you saw a glimpse of me in this area if you'd like . We'll see if he does want me back or not. Do not mention where I live or I will push a knife so far into your chest that it will look like you have a badass-shaped sternum...Take care Jes." I smiled. He nodded and then headed out the door with a mild look of fear on his face. He closed the door behind him and I watched from my window as he strode off merrily down the street. I sighed as I realised it was very unlikely I'd get any sleep now because of talking about Kaz so I decided to hit a few of the bars and maybe stir up a bit of trouble. After all, nobody knew the true extent of my assassination skills because nobody was ever there to appreciate them. Maybe I should have stayed and fought for Kaz and my place in the gang then maybe I would have become his girlfriend for definite. But I'd lost out to that other girl because I got hurt and I ran. More fool me. This time though...there's no running. There is only hiding. Kaz hurt me and I wanted nothing to do with him and his stupid games anymore. My emotions were everywhere but all I knew for sure was that I would run until I was certain of my feelings.

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