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5 days later~

Jungkook was wide awake. It is dark outside so dark it almost lookes like the world turned into hell. Rain falling from the sky like the God's were angry at the world. Throwing some lightning here and there. Hearing their anger in the loud thunder.

It all described exactly how jungkook was feeling at the moment. Taehyung wasn't waking up so far. He knew the doctors even got concerned at this point. He saw it in Namjoon's eyes. The guilt and fear was shining right through them. And that made Jungkook even more scared.

The ravenette refuses to leave the room even for a second. He hasn't been to school for a whole week. Even his mother tried to take him home for a while. And maybe talk to him. But the younger didn't move a muscle and stayed in the room close near Taehyung. His mother eventually left the room with tears in her eyes. When Jimin asked what happend she toled him.

"No matter what I do jungkook won't leave that room. "He just said his everything is right besides him and if he loses that he will go with him. "His life is nothing without Taehyung.

Jimin secured Mrs Jeon that this was just part of jungkook coping with the whole situation. "And that everytime would be alright. Even though Jimin knew the Younger was mad serieus.

He just hopes that his bestfriend wakes up and that everything will turn back to normal.

The only positive thing is that Jieun is gone. When her car crashed into taehyung's she died instantly. The cops came to a conclusion that. If she couldn't have Jungkook no one could and tried to kill herself and Taehyung at the same moment.

The cops also found her hiding place. A small house near the edge of the woods. It was dirty and looked abandoned until the copes went in.

Photo's of the two boys were hanging all around the room. From taehyung's workplace all to his apartment. They found a note book with all personal stuff about taehyung in it. Like his phone number and that of his family and friends. Some addresses of relatives. It looked like she was planning to kill everyone who the nurse knew.

Everyone was in a sick kind of way lucky that she didn't dare to. And chose for another option. Even though that sounds crazy and disgusting at the same time. It kinda is true aswell.

Jungkook's pov:

I still can't fucking sleep I thought. My head was hurting from all the crying from the last few days. I have barley slept aswell.

"I miss you alot tae I spoke in a soft voice. But ofcourse I didn't get an awnser.

"You need to wake up you know. "I still want to do so much with you. The younger smiled at the thought.

"I want to go on an amazing vacation with you. "Spending our time near the beach. I can already imagine your skin glowing in the sunlight.

"I want to marry you aswell. "I know we are barley 3 months into our relationship but I am sure I want to marry you! "I will be the best husband you can ever get. "Because you deserve that taehyung.

At this point tears were streaming down Jungkook's face.

"I wanna touch you in all kind of ways give you so much pleasure and love. "I want you to feel appreciated and loved.

"I wanna see you grow old while we adopt kids. "I think you will still look handsome with a beard.

The ravenette chuckled at his own remark.

"See your hair turn Grey and wrinkles coming on to your face. Many people hate them but I think they look beautiful. "For example the once around your lips show you have smiled alot in your life.

"I wanna make you smile so much that your mouth is gonna hurt from laughing. "I want you to be happy. "To Be happy with me.

"Ever since I heared your voice I fell for you. "Sometimes people ask me how did you guys even get together.

"And I always tell them. "Because of His Voice. "The look at me with a strange look onto their face. "I rather find it funny because no one understands it like we do.

I looked at taehyung's face. It still showed no emotion.

"I love you so much Taehyung please. "Please come back to me.

I gave a soft kiss on Taehyung's cheek. My lips lingering on his skin. Until...

I stated something salty. That's weird? I leaned back and saw tears comeing from taehyung's closed eyes.

I started crying again. I couldn't believe it.

"Don't cry Kookie. Taehyung said in a husky voice. Not speaking for 5 days really has it's effects.

I looked again at him and saw he opened his eyes. And saw panick in them.

"Shh shh it's okay Tae I am with you. "I call the nurse and them I am back. "Just rest okay.

Taehyung nodded and closed his eyes again feeling very thierd.

He still didn't understand what happened but knew it was okay. Because his love was by his side.

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