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Jungkook's pov

3 days went as fast as 1 second for Jungkook. Before he knew it it was time to go home. His mother already packed his stuff so they could take that home aswell. The ravenette was happy he could go home. Finally his own room and his own space but still. It was a place where there was no Taehyung.

Jungkook also felt a little grumpy he had to go to school in 2 weeks. For now it was still better for his brain to take everything slowly and not to pressure it much. We all know how stressed we get from school and Jungkook couldn't use that right now.

The boy was packing the last things from the room until his mother walked in. "I am so happy you can finnaly fo home with me sweetheart. Mrs Jeon gave her son a big smile. The older did feel a little lonely while Jungkook was in the hospital.

"I am happy as well mom the younger boy replied back while getting back to packing his stuff. Not much later A handsome nurse came in.

"Goodmorning Jungkook how is everything going? I smiled a bit before awnsering him. "I am fine Taehyung just getting ready. The nurse sighed at that. "Yes I came to say goodbye to you. "In an hour I have an operation planned so I don't have much time to say goodbye.

Jungkook did feel a little disappointed but understood the situation completely. This was taehyung's job. Ofcourse he couldn't cancel saveing someone's life just so say goodbye to him.

"I understand I hope everything will go good. But I have no doubts I mean you're there so everything will be alright. The nurse smiled and his cheeks turned red like a cherry. "Thankyou Jungkook that means alot.

"Honey it's time to go home. I will get the car ready be downstairs in a bit.
Mrs jeon then took Jungkook's backpack in her hand and left the room to give the two some privacy.

"I guess this is goodbye then. "I just want to thankyou for everything that you did for me Taehyung. You saved my life. The nurse pushed Jungkook a little.

"Stop saying that you are making me flustered. And besides I was doing my job jungkook. But thankyou.

It was now time for jungkook to go. The two said goodbye again and he asked Taehyung if he could thank Jin and Jimin for him aswell. When jungkook was gone everything felt weird to Taehyung. He looked at the room before he closed the door wondering if he ever would see the younger boy again.

Once jungkook was downstairs he walked out the door setting his first few steps out of the hospital. The boy wondered if he was indeed right that taehyung would just forget about him now.

Mrs jeon was already waiting for her son in the car. When jungkook was seated besides her and he put his seatbelt on it was time to go.

"You know Jungkook. I turned around to look at my mom who was looking at the road before her. "What is it? I questioned. "If you like him why don't you ask him out.

I felt heat spreading all over my face. "Mom what are you talking about! She giggeld a bit. "Jungkook I may be old but not stupid! "I see that you like him and it's not wrong to ask him out.

"I don't like him mom! I just think he is a nice person that's all. Mrs jeon rolled her eyes at that. "Keep telling yourself that Sweetheart.

Taehyung's pov:

For some reason work felt a little les exciting then it did before. And I didn't know the reason why. Patient were still comeing in. And I was busy almost all of the time.

"Taehyung will you please get me the medicines for Mr Gal. "Sure thing jimin I will be back in a few seconds. Jimin nodded. Continuing doing some work on the computer.

I walked in the main hall until I looked at one of the doors and stoped. "This was Jungkook's room I mumbled. It has been a week since I last saw him and to be honest I kinda miss him. I opened the door the room was still empty looking the same as the day Jungkook had left.

"Man get out of this Taehyung you have work to do. I left the room not looking back at it and got the medicines Jimin asked me to get.

After a few more hours of work it was finally time to go home. I got my stuff and said bye to Jimin and went to the elevator. I greeted Hoseok and Yoongi before I walked out of the main door.

I went to the parkinglot until I stoped my pace. Do I really miss him that much that I am starting to hallucinate?

I was still standing frozen on the same spot and the person was walking thowards me slowly.

"Am I dreaming or is that really you Jungkook? The ravenette laughed at that. "Hi Taehyung how are you? I looked again at the boy for a few seconds before awnsering. "I am fine just Thierd from work. I started yawning when I finished my sentence. "I can see that.

"How are you Jungkook feeling any better? "I hope so otherwise I didn't do my job right. Jungkook again laughed at the little joke the older boy maked. "Nahh I am totally fine getting better everyday thanks to you. I was happy to hear that he was fine but I was still wondering what he was doing here. Why did he suddenly show up at the parking lot of the hospital?

"Jungkook please don't mind me asking. "But why are you here? "Euhh well the boy stuttered. "I eugh wanted to ask you something. I raised my eyebrow at that. "And what do you want to ask me exactly?

Jungkook was looking at the ground the nerves getting the best of him. "Well I wanted to ask if you maybe would like to go get a coffee with me or something along those lines. My eyes winded at that. A few hours ago I was missing jungkook because of a stupid door and now here he is. Waiting for me in the parking lot.

"Ofcoure I like to go out with you Jungkook. As in friends or do you mean something else?

Jungkook looked me straight in the eyes. "Whatever you want Taehyung I am fine with just anything.

I hope you liked this chapter and thankyou for reading❤

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