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Taehyung's pov:

The light of the rising sun was shining through my window makeing the bedroom almost look golden. It was now 10 am. Today I had work from 3pm until 11pm. It's late I know but after that I have 2 days off luckily.

Once I was fully awake I decided it was time for a long and relaxing morning shower. I took my pajama off got my towel and walked thowards my bathroom. I looked into the mirror.  I still looked a little sleepy but I was sure that after the shower that was gone.

Once the warm water came in contact with my body I could feel all my muscles relax. "Ahh this is how you start a morning. I said while grabbing the shampoo bottle.

The bathroom was not big but it didn't matter because Taehyung was still living alone. Don't get me wrong I love my own space. But it would be nice to have someone you could spend your time with. Someone that loves you for being you. But Taehyung still didn't find that person yet.

After he was done showering tae had a nice break and killed his time with cleaning the house and watching some TV until it was time to go off to work.


Once Taehyung arrived Jimin came running up to him. ",Hey taehyung can you please go to Jungkook's room". I looked at him confused and started to get a little worried. Was something wrong with Jungkook?

"The cops are here he was involved in an accident or something. I nodded and went off to Jungkook's room. Once I opened the door I saw Jungkook sitting in his bed and a officer sitting on a chair close to the bed.

"Good afternoon taehyung the officer said while looking at the nurse. "Good afternoon sir how can I help you?

"I want to have a talk with Jungkook today but I think it is for the best if you stay here. "It can maybe be some triggering moments for Him so. I also sat down on a chair. "Thankyou sir for thinking about Jungkook's health.

"Okay Jungkook do you remember what happend? The ravenette nodded. ", I don't remember everything but I do know I was with my ex girlfriend jieun the whole day. The officer took his notebook and was writing everything down. "Did something happen while the two were together that day?

Jungkook hesitated a bit before he spoke again. It almost seemed as if he was reliveing the moment again. "We fought alot that day. "Well we did almost everyday but that day it was very bad. The boy shrugged after he finished his sentence.

"May I ask what you two were fighting about? Jungkook nodded.

"Well mostly because she is a very jealous person and she can't stand it when I am with someone else it the room. I rolled my eyes at that".

The second I saw her I knew she was a psycho I thought while jungkook kept on talking.

",That day she said she was planning our whole lives together I told her I want to be a history teacher but she found it lame.
The officer was still busy writing everything down. Makeing sure he didn't miss anything from what the boy was telling him.

"We went off to a party we were invited for."Everything was fine until we were heading back home. Jungkook started to feel uncomfortable and started to shake a bit. I stood up and walked to him and laid my hand on his shoulder.

"Jungkook you are doing great if you want to stop talking about it that's okay. The younger boy looked me in the eyes and smiled a bit. "Thankyou taehyung but I will be fine.

I smiled back at him and went to sit on my chair again. While jungkook was continuing his story.
"I was driving us back home and she started again about our future's.

"At this point I was fully done with her we kept on fighting and fighting I just couldn't take it anymore. "So I toled her I didn't want her in my future she got crazy and then everything turned black. "The last I remember Is hearing taehyung speak yesterday and then waking up while he was in my room.

The officer nodded and closed his notebook. "Thankyou Jungkook you are really helping us with all this information.

"Sir I need to add something to that story. The officer looked at me and opened his notebook again waiting for me to start talking. "Yesterday jieun came to the hospital. "She toled me she was Jungkook's girlfriend so I let her in.

I felt the guilt comeing back again while talking about it. "I left only for 1 minute to get Jungkook's medicines until I heared screaming. The officers eyes winded at that.

"Jieun was hovering over Jungkook screaming at him and even tried to slapp him. I felt tears comeing up. I still couldn't believe I let her in.

"I was just on time to get her off jungkook and kick her out of the hospital. Once the officer was done writing everything down I said he stood up. "Thankyou taehyung for helping. "I will let you know when something else comes up again. The officer bowed to me and jungkook and then left the room.

"You don't need to feel bad about that anymore taehyung. I turned around and saw that jungkook was already looking at me. He patted on the bed signing me I should come sit next to him.

"Jungkook I swore to protect my patients and I failed. "Almost the younger added. "That's still not good enough.

Taehyung look at me. I turned my head our eyes met again. "I only know you for what a day. We both chuckled at that. "But I can tell already you are a good person and looks out for there patients.

I smiled at the boy I felt thankful he said those words. It made me feel less shitty about myself.

"Because of you I am still here and I am sure that counts for many other people aswell. "So don't be so hard on yourself.

I needed a few seconds to progress everything the younger boy just said to me. My heart felt a little bit warmer and I didn't understand why exactly.

"Thankyou Jungkook. We looked again at eachother. "No problem. We kept holding our gaze until Mrs Jeon opened the door. "Hello boy's how are you two?

Thankyou for reading and I hope you liked it 💗

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