hell (unedited)

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(Authors note)


My eyes slowly futer open. I tried to stretch out my arms but why couldn't i move? When I eyes adjusted to the light I understood the predicament I was in. I was leaning against a wall with my hands and feet bound behind me. I was stuck in a large white room with a metal door in front of me to my side was a shelf filled with random stuff like a crowbar and a lot of knives, a bat and a pair of sheers.

It was very cold to,


Went the door. Standing in the doorway was a very dusty man with light blue hair, a guy that looked like a burnt chicken nugget, and then there was toga. Fucking toga, I can't remember the other people though.

"look who decided to wake up." Said the dry raisin.

"Why am I here?" I demanded

"Listen here bunny, I know you have information on the hero's. And I need you to give it to me" hissed handy man.

"wow, Strait to the point. Also it is r@bbit, NOT bunny" I corrected him. His frown just got bigger.

"listen here you little brat. We will be willing to resort to torture!! So make this easy for yourself and give us the info!!!" He grows

"how about no"

"fine, ill let the nomu do the talking then" he said smirking. Then the three left the room and came in a chicken on steroids. He looked down at me. He raised his arm and came flying towards my stomach.

Eraserhead's pov

"so what you're telling me is that you've been talking the the black r@bbit and gave you a panic button and now he's finally pressed it and did not cone back." Repeated the Detective Tsukauchi.

"That's what I just said." I growled back

"So we will just wait two days for him to comeback and if not we will look into the cordinets, ok?"

"no!!!!! We need to look for him now!" I protest. I'm not about take any chance that My ki-friend might get hurt.

"I'm sure he just got a broken bone or something, he will be fine eraser."

"no he will not, that kid will jump across roof tops all around the city with broken bones, and could fight 20 dudes with fighting quirks and still come out vicious. if he pressed that button, he's in real danger!!!"

"Fine, ill just call nezu, he has taken interest in the kid so he'll help." I say as I storm out of the room Strait to U.A.

Time skip

"ah welcome Eraserhead. Do you need anything?" He said with a sociopathic grin

After I explained the problem he was no longer smiling, it was kinda creepy. He opened his phone and diled down numbers and the ok hon rang,

"Detective Tsukauchi speaking," said a voice from the phone

"Naomasa Tsukauchi, did you really try to push back an SOS call. And it was about the black r@bbit?!" He hissed into the phone. God in so glad I'm not in the line of fire. Who ever makes nezu mad never comes back with out trama, and fear.

"nezu, he'll be fine" he replied

"Sleep with one eye open Naomasa Tsukauchi" he said after he hung up the phone.

"so Eraserhead, tell me what the cordinets said."

Izuku's pov

I was laying down at the ground, the Crimson blood stained my clothes and the white, concrete walls. The nomu had broken both my legs and my arms. It had choked me and after the nomu was done, the burnt chicken nugget came in and burned my legs and hit me a few times with a crow bar, then tons came in and stabbed me so many times. The shigy it somthin tried to rise tigers my mask but failed miserably, he had only made got to get rid of the bottom half of my mask.

It was hard to really feel any pain at this point so I kinda layed down on the ground not able to move, I was to weak to get up to.


Then came in a vary scared man and handy man,

"Make him so he won't die." He commanded pushing him closer to me.

"I so sorry" he said before touching my head. Then as he came he left, I felt a little better but still felt like I had Been hit with a bus.

"This is you chance to tell us what we need to know, r@bbit" said the Chapstick non believer

"let me think about it, no!" I screamed, I'm not about to give up, I mean that's how people die, and I still have to help more people before I die, I need to stay on track.

"fine then, bring the nomu in again." He.demanded as he walked out.

Mei's pov

Zuzu is no where in sight, if he's not here in five minutes I will call mono and shinso, over for a search and rescue.

I'm making a flamethrower. Maybe one with blue fire, Yeah! that sounds fun. I need materials though. Ill just go to the trash beach.

I made my way out of the where House, into the run down Street, and out on the more populated area, the roads were buzzing with business men and woman rushing into the tall buildings and cars rushing past me going who knows where. I glance two my right and saw a bunch of people Crowding around like fly's flying around a piece of rotting fruit or maggots digging in a dead corpse. After studying the middle of the crowd i saw a head of yellow hair with way to much hair spray. It was the number one hero standing in the middle of the crowd, papers being pushed in his face, All Might.

I quickly Turned away, now running towards the beach. I never forgive him for what he said to my friend. The way he crushed zuzu's and many others dreams.

That was when I saw something, it was a picture? I slowly shuffled toward the object. The picture had a small boy, a mop of emerald green hair with more duller eyes to match. He had freckles scattered across his face like stars in the night sky. He had a bloody bandage raped around his left cheek, small cuts wrapped around his limbs. It was Zuzu, tears streamed down means my cheeks as I looked down at the words and read,' missing, if anyone has any information of Izuku Midoriya please call ***-***-**** or ***-***-****'

I stood there for a long, long time, the sun crashing against my skin as people passed by the acational pitiful look they gave me as they glanced at me. It felt like my world came crumbling down. Zuzu can't be missing, I won't let him, I ripped the poster off the wall and sprinted towards the where House, once I reached the big home, I shakily pulled out my phone and opened the group chat and left a message telling mono and shin to come as soon as possible. After that, I sat at the desk filled to the brim with gadgets and straps of mettle and nuts and bolts.

Tears silently pouring down my cheeks. 'Ill get you back Zuzu, I won't let you stay missing for long, for now, all I can so is wish you luck and hope you come home safe.' Ran through my mind as if I were speaking to him face to face.

Hello!!! I'm not dead!!! pwp, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. But at the end of writing I suddenly got good at writing, anyway, I hope you have a good night, day, or morning. Goodbye!!!!



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