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(Izuku's pov)

(author's note)

I opened my eyes to see all the all might posters Pasted around my room. My eyes light up I realized what day it is,'to days the day I get my quirk!' I thought to myself as I hoped off my bed and ran to mom's room to wake her up.

"mom, mom, MOM!" I screamed trying to get her attention. Finally she woke up."what is it hunny? " into asked With her sweet voice as she stretched her arms.'did she forget?' "Today's my birthday!!"

"Oh dear how could I forget!" She exclained as she got off the bed and starred to the kitchen."I'm going to make your favorite food!" She said as she turned the stove on. 

'I wonder what qurik I'm going to get!I hope.its as cool as all might's!' I wonder what kacchan's qur-'

"Foods done" mom said as she put  Bowl of katsudon in front of me."Thank you" I said before stuffing my mouth.
"When your done eating we're going to the doctors, than after that we could go get ice cream, do you like that idea?" I hummed in response.'this is going to be the best day ever!'(sure kid)

Time skip

"Sorry kid its not going to happen, you qurikless" as those words escaped the doctors mouth he dropped his all might figure.

"what do you mean he's qurikless!" Inko yelled with venom in her voice.'I don't have a quirk. Kacchan's going to be mad. Maybe there's a mistake!?' I thought to myself as I saw mom screaming at the doctor.

"lets go home" Inko yelled as she grabbed my arm tugging me out the door to the parking lot.'did I do something wrong?' Tears formed in my eyes at the thought of mom being mad. She never got mad!

The drive home was to quiet for his likeing. As I sat in the car crying we came to a stop.'oh were home. I thought we were going to get ice cream?'

"Mom?" I asked "don't call me mom you useless brat!" She said as she turned around and slapped me. I started to cry not because it hurt but when she called me useless.

"oh shut up for once! I've raised you, fed you, worked my ass off and this is how you betray me!!" Mom screamed at the top of her lungs. She unbuckled me and started to the front door.

When she got inside she turned a said," you think about what you did you stupid kid!" Mom yelled as she slammed the door in my face.

Time skip

tw abuse

It had been three hours and I was finally let inside.
The first thing I got punched in the gut. As I stumbled back mom kicked my shins making me fall over on my back. When I looked up I could see mom holding a beer bottle."I can't believe that t-time I s-spent taking care of-f y-you!" She slurd

As she was finally finished talking she smashed the bottle on my head, then she Started to kick me in my belly. I couldn't move. The pain was to much. Suddenly black spots dotted my vision. They grew bigger until it was all black.

Time skip: 14 year old Izuku's b-day

I opened my eyes only to be met with pain everywhere.I sit up grouning because of the huge cut on my leg.'oh I'm in my own blood, agen.' I thought to myself as I see the pool of blood.

I look around for anything to help me get up. As I look around the kitchen I see the calendar,'July 15, my birthday. Or as I like to think of it, the 5th year1 anniversary of when hell began.' Than I looked at the clock 6:00 am, crap it six am! I got to get my ingerys patched up before I go to school!

I used the counter to help me up and limped all the way to the bath room to shower and as you know patch up my wounds.

I used cold water so mom doesn't yell at me. When I stepped into the shower and turned it on, I finally got a good look and my wounds. Then was a ton of grass in my hair which was not fun getting out, a huge cut on my leg, a big bruse on my stumick.this was weird because she would always do a lot more, she might just be in a good mood

It stung like hell but what could I do? Make it go away magically? Of course not! This was real life here, not some fairly tail. I knew that the most after being mocked and abused for 5 years.

After I stepped out I dryed my self off, got the first aid and put badges on my cuts, after that was done I got on my clothes and brushed my teeth. Than I went down stairs to get breakfast ready. I had eggs and bacon btw

After that I got my ripped up school bag and tip toed to the front door. I made it to the door and just before reaching for the door nob I heard her. Crap

"where do you think your going?" Mom Said turning me around and slapped me.

Words: 954

I don't know if this was much of a cliff hanger but its good enough. I hope you have a wonderful day! Or night,
Ill try to update every day but it probably won't happen.

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