the tired pencil tip

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(Authors note)

"What makes you say that?" I say turning around revealing my toxic green eyes.


"What?" He said a little annoyed

"What makes you say you can turn me in." I say while standing up turning my back away from the edge.

"The fact that your cornered gives me confidence that your getting caught." He said as he blocked my original escape.

"Your wrong. There's one way," I say

"And where's that vigilante?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Down." I say as I jump off the roof and aim my feet to the fire escape.

When I land I run faster then I've run before. Before I could jump he shot his scarf at me, I had barely doged and jumped down off the roofs 'thank god for my shock esorbent boots' I turned around still running away from him and throw a glitter bomb at him. I jump up on a dumpster To avoid the glitter.

I jump on a roof and I look at my phone. 1:00am, I need to go home. I jump down and run in the direction of the forest. I couldn't risk them finding where I live so when I go in the forest I run in the direction of the where house.

Half way there my adrenaline started to fade. I showed just how hurt I was. I a deep cut on my arm and had a big bruise on my back  and my feet hurt from running all night.

I was enjoying the silence. It was calm in the forest. It was just me, the birds, and the squirrels. I see the where house in the distance and I run up to the window. I start to prepare to jump and....JUMP!!

I land safely on the floor. I strip from my vigilante outfit and put on PJs. I start to put bandages on my arm. Hopefully mei doesn't notice the bandage. I've got to meet up with her at daubah beach.

I lay down on my small bed and let the darkness come over me.


"Your so useless!"

"qurikless means weak!"

"you'll never be a hero!"


The voices of my past scream at me as I run. The door seems farther and farther the more I run.


"your the reason you dad left!"

"stop making up lies."

"your so stupid!"

"can't do anything without help!"

"you'll never make it!"

"Take a swan dive off a roof and hope to get a quick in your next life!!"

"no, I don't think a qurikless person can be a hero, you should give up on that and get a desk job or something."

"You brat!

When I was about to grab the handle the door moved at least 60 meters. I start to run dispite my fatege. When I stop to breath something grabs my foot and pulls me through the floor. The ground inches closer and closer until I hit the ground.


I shot up drenched in sweat.'it was just another nightmare. Its ok, you won't have to worry anymore,its ok'  I think to myself as I attempt to calm myself down.

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