A "minor" mistake

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(Authors note)


I slipped out of bed and sat down at my desk. My stomach grumbles begging me to eat something but I have more important things to fix. Like upgrading my mask and do more research on a new hero that just made there dabue. (Don't laugh, I suck at spelling)

Besides, food is not that important right now. I pull out my extra masks and got to work. I did this because if it turns out to be a stupid idea I could just throw that one away.

Time skip

It was finally done and I had just upgraded my main mask. I than grabbed a broom and started cleaning. Once I was done with that I grabbed my costume and started to fix all the rips and ironed it. I opened a cat of cat food and went out side to feed the stray cats. I like cats. Then it started too rain. I love the rain too.

After all that was done the sun started to set, so I got on my vigilante outfit and started stretching. I made sure everything was there and headed out.

Time skip

It had Been four hours and no crime, no screams, no nothing. And I'm happy about that be seriously, I need some action!!! I decided to go where me and Eraserhead talk.

Then after 5 minutes I finally saw the hobo lookin man.

"r@bbit." He addresses me

"You aren't happy to see me da- Eraserhead. I'm hurt!!" I said back at him

"did you almost call me dad?" He questioned turning around lookin confused


"oh you totally did r@bbit." He remarked now smirking

"no i did NOT!!" I said, now my face was red as a tomato.

"what ever you say r@bbit" he said turning around back to the ledge over looking the City. The soft pitter patter of rain calmed me.

"oh hey e@bbit remember when yo-"


It echoed through the streets, before I know what was going on, my legs started moving on there own and sprinted towards the loud noise.

I knew Erasorhead was trying to tell me something important but he can wait.

I reached the source of the scream and saw a woman pinned to the corner and a man with blonde hair and a beard. Don't go in there, said my gut feeling. I looked around the alley way and used my hearing devise. I only heard two people in the alley, so why can't I go in? I grab my stun gun out. And aim for the guy's Neck.

Then the guy jumped out of the way and... The woman, changed? She now looked like a school girl with two messy buns, and a crazy looks in her yellow eyes. My eyes widen out of surprise as one name entered my mind, 'toga' I know she uses A fighting stile I don't know,

I jump down on the ground and pull out the smoke bombs, after I through them the air filled with green smoke

"he's over here!!!" Said a voice

'it was a trap!!!! How can I be so stupid!! But what would the l.o.v. want to do with me? I would like to not find out.' I could here three people running into the ally 'fuck'

I could feel heat like fire was behind me so I took a step closer. The jacket I made could only stand regular fire. Not blue fire like dabi.

I knew I could take that all at once but then again, I was met with a face full of goddamn fire. Oh what a lovely experience that was.

Wait. I forgot about something. I reached for my belt and pulled out a small black thing with a button on it.

Flash back

"so what you're saying is your giving me a button to press when ever I need help taking down a villain?" He questioned as I handed him the button." and how does it work exactly?" He quickly follows

"Well my dear cat lovein hobo, I will happily explain."

"don't call me that. Bunny" he said in an anger and tied tone.

"ok party pooper" I pouted, "anyway, when you press the button the other one will start blinking and making a siren noise, then a small hologram like this g will come out of the thing and show the other buttons coordinate. If not answered in 30 seconds, it will explode glitter. And make an even louder noise, keep in mind that this is only for emergency's only." I say.

He looks at the button and then at me.


As soon as the scream reached us he got up and ran putting it in his pocket.

Well, that went better then I expected

End of flash back

I pressed the small button and waited for a second. Then a green light came from the top. I was going to be ok! A wave of relief washed over me.

That was when my legs started to shake, my eye lids grew heavy, and I felt like lifting 100 pounds just by lifting my arm in the air. Then something grabbed my arms and legs. I tried to fight em off but they were just to strong.

Once I was falling the smoke where off and I saw that all the exits were n pop blocked off by some blue fire.

Then darkness.... You know, this is the first-time I had ever felt fear going into this inky abius, it would take me away to a far away place

I'm so so so sorry for not posting in like 11 days. Please don't be mad!!! I was just so busy with school and all. Ok were getting of topic. I just want to say good morning or good night or good evening. Bye!!!!!!!!


Word count: 984

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