09: Wedding bells

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Christmas day.

We didn't have to do much today before guests came because Christine insisted that I rest because of the babies, she thinks it's only one though but we are going to tell them sometime today. Once me and Alex were both awake and functioning we walked out to the living room. I rushed over to the tree and grabbed the box for Alex and he rushed over to the tree to grab a box too. I handed him his box and he handed me mine.

"Open yours first." I demanded, he slowly opened the box and when he got the top off he looked up at me in disbelief.

"When did you have time to get this?" He asked as he reached over and hugged me. He pulled out the Rolex watch I knew he had been wanting for a few months but never had the time to go get for himself. "Thank you baby. Now it's your turn to open the gift I got you."

He handed me a small box and I slowly took the top off. Inside I found a small diamond necklace in the shape of a heart. "I love it." I smiled over at him.

"I got it for you since I knew even though you don't like your mom it was still hard for you to do."

We spent the next few hours watching Christmas movies bundled up on the couch when I looked over at the time.

"Oh shoot Alex we only have ten minutes until your family gets here!" I scurried off the couch and ran off to our room. I walked into the closet and put my jeans on, only problem was they didn't fit anymore, I stood there looking down at my stomach.

"Why are you just standing there?" Alex asked from the doorway.

"My bump is too big for my jeans already." I looked in my drawer and pulled out a pair of leggings and slipped them on. Sure they weren't as nice as my jeans but they still looked nice. I grabbed a flowy shirt that wouldn't make me look as big as I really was and put it on.

By the time I was out in the kitchen Christine and Alex's dad were already in the kitchen with Alex talking. Christine was the first to notice me and walked up to me and engulfed me in a hug, her blonde hair falling over her shoulder.

"My god you're glowing!"She exclaimed.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"Hello Abbie, nice to see you again." Alex's dad called from the kitchen.

"You too Mr. Williams." Me and Christine started to walk over to the kitchen.

"Oh please just call me Dereck." He walked over to me and gave me a side hug.

When I got into the kitchen I heard a rustling by the door and then saw Ruth walk into the house with Archer and a girl I hadn't met before.

"Abbie, why aren't you glowing like a gem?" Ruth exclaimed as she walked in and pinched my cheek. "You already know Archer but next to him is Rosella but we call her Rose."

The girl who had deep brown eyes and dark brown hair walked up to me with her hand out, and I gladly accepted. "Hi I'm Rose, Alex's twin sister."

"It's nice to meet you Rose. I'm Abbie, Alex's fiancee."

"I've heard so much about you! All good things don't worry." She winked at me as she walked to the kitchen to greet the others.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully, we opened presents, ate, all the things you normally do on Christmas.

We were watching home alone when Alex stood up and pulled me with him.

"We have something we want to tell all of you." Alex looked at me with a soft smile as he hugged my arm.

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