06: Happy Birthday Abbie!

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I know this chapter is a little shorter but I promise the next one will be a bit longer, I hope you enjoy this anyway even if it is a day late.

The next morning I woke up next to Alex, and found that he was already awake and looking at me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, emphasis on the beauty." Alex whispered in a huskier voice than usual.

"Good morning." I shuffled over and hugged him around the chest.

"Hey Abbie?" Alex asked, still hugging me back.

"Yeah?" I responded looking up at him.

"I think I'm in love with you, and I'm not just saying this because last night although it did add some, I'm pretty sure I've been in love with you since we met a year ago." He admitted.

"I think I love you too Alex, I liked you when we first met, but when you took care of me in the infirmary and in the hospital I noticed that I had fallen for you, hard." I can't believe I just told him all that.

He leaned down and kissed me.

"Up for round two?"He smirked.

I didn't answer him with words but by tenderly kissing his lips, slowly pulling him on top of me, he put one of his legs between mine, unlike last time he was slowly kissing me instead of the rapid fast pace ones like last time. We were making out for a while when he finally became excited enough to go for round two. This time he paused for a moment and reached over to his nightstand and when he reached in his drawer he pulled out a condom and slowly put it on, once he got it on he slowly went inside me. He went much much slower this time.

After we layed in bed and talked for another hour or so before we finally decided that we should get up and eat brunch.

"What do you want?" I yelled as I was getting dressed.

"Waffles and mimosas." Alex responded right away.

"Coming up relatively soon, I'm not the fastest chef." I joked as I walked out of the closet.

"That's what you're wearing? I don't know if I'll make it through brunch if that's what you wear." Alex admitted as he got up and started walking towards me, still naked might I add. I can understand his reaction, I mean all I had on was a robe.

"Nope you can look but you can't touch, at least not right now." I smirked over at him.

He groaned as he walked over to the closet. When he walked out a minute later he walked out wearing only his boxers.

"I gotta go start the food." I told him as I walked over to the door.

"Let me know when to make the mimosas." He responded as he started to work on the computer.

"Who says I can't make them?" I paused at the door.

"You shouldn't have too much alcohol, you're not 21 yet." He smirked over at me.

"I had quite a bit of wine last night and you didn't stop me then." I retorted.

He waved me off to the kitchen at that comment.

After twenty ish minutes of cooking I called for him to come make the mimosas.

"Coming, coming, jeez you only needed to say it once." He laughed as he walked into the kitchen.

He made the mimosas while I put the waffles on plates and moved them to the bar. I also put the bowls of fruit in front of the plates.

"Brunch is ready!" I called.

"Mmm food." Alex said as he handed me my mimosa and sat down next to me.

We sat and talked while we ate. I thought we had talked about everything we could last night but boy was I wrong.

"I think we made a mistake last night." Alex said out of nowhere.

"What? You mean like we shouldn't have done it?" I gasped, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"No! Not at all like that, no no no-" Alex reached out and brushed the tears from my eyes "- what I meant is that last night we were so wrapped up in each other, quite literally, that we forgot to use a condom, and I'm pretty sure it's a tad too late for you to take the morning after pill. I hate to ask, but are you on birth control?"

"N-no I'm not. I didn't think I would need it yet, and even if I had been on it you're not allowed to when you're in the hospital." I rambled.

"Hey, it's ok whatever happens we can handle it ok?" Alex reassured me.

I nodded and continued to eat my waffles, eventually we ended up getting wrapped up in conversation yet again. The rest of the day went by uneventfully.

When I woke up the next morning, I reached over to kiss Alex good morning except there was one problem. He wasn't there, I opened my eyes to see if he was somewhere in our room, he was nowhere to be seen. Just as I was about to call out for him I heard talking from the kitchen. I walked over to the kitchen to find Mom, John, Stuart, Ian, Eden, and even Emma which surprised me because she hated our family, talking with each other and including Alex in their conversations.

When I walked in they all yelled simultaneously "Happy Birthday Abbie!" Eden ran up to me and I kneeled down so she could wrap her hands around my neck then I stood up and swung her around.

"Hey aunt Abbie?" Eden whispered in my ear.

"Yeah sweets?" I whispered back.

"Is Alex my new uncle? Are you gonna give me cousins?" She whispered but ended up talking in a normal tone.

"It's a maybe to the first one, but for now the second one is gonna be a no for now." I smiled at her and set her down.

Alex pranced up to me. "Happy birthday baby!" Alex whispered in my ear as he swung me around.

We walked over to my family and started to eat breakfast. The rest of the day was filled with fun activities.

A couple hours later we were finally alone after spending the whole day with my family.

"I ordered dinner and then for dessert we can just have what we got the other day before it goes bad." He chuckled as he brought my plate of spaghetti. We talked yet again while we ate.

He went to get the dessert from the fridge, when he came back he didn't carry the plates over to me but he set them down on the counter. I gave him a quizzical look and before I could ask him what he was doing he got down on one knee and pulled out a small velvet box.

I sat there in awe, was he about to propose to me?

"Abbie, I know we haven't been together long but I know that I can't live without you. You mean the world to me and I want to grow old with you. I will fight for you no matter what, or who I'm fighting. I love you, always. Abigail Kris Jones, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" He asked.

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