00 : Outro

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"Can you portray a bit of the place we are gonna go to tomorrow babe? I'm lost of what to bring." Beam is scanning his wardrobe to pack for his getaway with Forth on weekend. Forth didn't tell him yet where they're going.

"It's warm, has nice people and good food." Forth replied still having his eyes on his Ipad. He's doing his assignment in Beam's room waiting for the latter to finish packing so they can go home to his because he has to pack too.

"That's better. Now I know what to bring. Are we going to the beach?" Beam keeps asking.

"There's no beach. But they're waterfalls. It's pretty." Forth described while craving a smile.

"Uuuu...I love nature. Will we be able to see the sunrise or sunset there? I want to watch those with you. It will be romantic. Let's go picnic or hiking." Beam keeps on suggesting activities. Forth halted what he do and walk to his now fiancé since Monday, side and hugs him from behind.

It never occurred to Forth that Beam will take extreme measures in just days to make him his by asking his mother to discuss their marriage plans with his father.

The Beam he knows wasn't the type to waste time on things he deems important in his life and it looks like he doesn't waste time in making sure that Forth is solely owned by him too. And Forth feels dumb waiting for a whole two years to pursue him.

"It will be better than that love." Forth replied and plant a kiss on his nape.

"Sure it will! Cause you're there. You make everything better." Beam said cling his arms to Forth's neck and kiss him on the lips.

Forth still cannot believe that this man is finally his. His mother found out about him liking Beam when she saw countless of Beam's pictures in his keepsake.

His mother instantly knew that Forth is stalking Beam from the angle of the pictures being taken. He was reprimanded by his family members for his absolute wrongdoing but finally, they make peace with his reasons and encourage him to tell his feelings to Beam as soon as possible before he was broken-hearted if Beam dated.

But he told him that he need to fix himself first and that's why his family never bother him about his way to pursue Beam anymore because Forth indeed made progress with his study and social life. He becomes better in both and making his parents and siblings proud of him.

"Emm...are you in need of something. That's too sweet coming from you." Forth squinting his eyes at his lover.

"Can't I sweet talk my fiancé? Did you finish your assignment?" Beam asked.

Forth pinch on Beam's nose bridge and kiss him. "Almost. Just some last touch and I'll finish my part. Lam will finish the rest."

Beam's eyes sparkled at the Forth's answer. He has been waiting for him to finish up. He's in a mood to cuddle with his fiancé.

"So...can you give this fiancé some loving time? I miss you." Beam being his spoiled self is heaven to Forth. He doesn't need to initiate any skinship like the first time before they went official. Beam spoils Forth with his excessive loving gesture without being asked.

They cuddle until both of them falls asleep. Being in their third year drained their energy physically and mentally.

Luckily they have each other to give strength and support.


"Wow! We're living in a mansion?" Beam asked the second they arrived at a big house with the biggest yard Beam have ever seen. He lives in the city for as long as he remembered so that's why he loves nature the most. It's rare to his sight. That's why he enjoyed his morning run with the trees and flowers in view hence the sunrise too.

Sept - Forth & the Beam-stalkWhere stories live. Discover now