Chapter 29: Results

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 I couldn't stop myself from smiling as Dick got escorted out of here in handcuffs. Tiffany and Ashley quietly high fived each other. Mr. Scott stormed out of the courtroom. Watching Dick pay for his shitty actions was a miracle come to life.

After we left the courtroom, we hugged Eden. Other people walked past us, like today was just a normal day. Little did they know, Dick wouldn't get to fuck up anyone's life for three years!

"The campus is finally Dick free!" Trina yelled.

Eden smiled. "Hell yeah!"

"You want to go to Five Guys?"

"Yeah. I'll meet you guys out front."

When the group hug ended, Eden walked down the hall. My mouth was dry, so I walked in that same direction. Foot steps echoed behind me. I just leaned down, and drank from the silver water fountain.

The minute I was done, I bumped into Eve. She nervously smiled at me. Why was she standing there? I thought she didn't like me.

"Hi, Bianca," Eve said.

I looked at her in surprise. "Hi, Ms. Adams. Am I in your way, or..."

"No. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Oh, right. I'm listening."

"Remember when you said you were Eden's friend?"

Oh my God. How did she know Eden and I were a couple? We were so discreet around her.

No. There was no way she could've found out. She didn't even see anything. I took a calming breath.


"You two seem close. Close enough to kiss," she said, raising an eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?"

"Taymon and I talked. He told me you he saw you and Eden kiss."

Someone gasped from the bathroom. I glanced at the door. Eden was standing there, with her mouth wide open. I had no idea how to respond to that.

There's no way Taymon saw me and Eden kissing. Unless he came back. Oh shit. I hoped that was all he saw.

Eden came over here, with an expression of terror. I wanted run out of this building with her. But that would've been rude. Eve was just trying to talk.

"Eden, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Bianca, we should go," Eden said, grabbing my arm.

"Hold on. I just want to know one thing. Do you care about this girl?"


"Just don't break each other's hearts, okay?"


Eve hugged the both of us before walking away. Eden and I walked out of the building. Everyone was headed for their cars. We got in mine.

I leaned back in my seat. Eden let out a sigh of relief. Silence passed between us. What just happened felt unreal.

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