Chapter 17: Empty Rooms

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 I watched the clock on my laptop as I edited Ashley's bikini wax ad. With all these clips of her screaming at the sight of hairy bikini lines, you'd think body hair would kill her. I rolled my eyes. This clock better hurry up.

When I was done, I gave Ashley a thumbs up. She smiled pretentiously at me. I saved the ad on her green USB drive and almost yanked it out my laptop. The moment the clock hit 12:15, I walked to the other side of the room and gave the drive to her.

"Thanks, Bianca. Here's your drive," she said.

I sighed. "You're welcome. Bye."

Ashley gave me my red USB drive. Her dark green eyes looked dead. They made me want to run the fuck out of this room. But someone would've stolen my laptop, and there was no way I would let that happen.

Anyway, I put away my laptop in a silver bag and left the room. I rushed through crowds of people, just to make it outside the building. For a minute, I caught my breath. I briskly walked all the way to my dorm room. But it was...empty.

I called Eden on my way to Mona Lisa's room. She didn't answer. Mona Lisa wasn't there, but her light skinned twin was. She scolded when she saw me. Maybe she knew something.

"Olivia, do you know where Mona Lisa is?"

Olivia out down her book. "She went to her Arundel Mills. That's all I know."


"You're welcome."

I went back to my room. Mona Lisa didn't answer when I called her either. That can't be good. I went on Instagram, where Mona Lisa posted a photo of a dark room on her story. There were three skull emojis on it. That made my heart drop. I paced back and forth in here. What if this was a cry for help?

I grabbed my car keys and rushed into Tiffany's room. She was sitting on her black and yellow striped bed, reading script. I knocked on the open door. She looked up from her script.

"What is it, B?"

"I need you to help me find Eden and Mona Lisa," I said, jingling my keys.

 "What happened?" 

 "They're trapped somewhere in Arundel Mills." 

 "How do you know this?" 

 "Check this out." 

 I showed her Mona Lisa's Instagram story. She pursed her lips and looked at me with an expression of worry. Good. We were on the same page. 

 This was a life of death situation, and I needed back up. When I turned around and left the room, she followed me. I sped up my pace, until I made it to my car. Tiffany caught up to me, catching her breath.

 "B, wait. This isn't what you think it is." 

 "Yes it is, T. Mona Lisa and Eden could be tied up in a basement right now," I replied, frantically opening the door. 

 "Bianca. Look at me and breathe for a second. If that was actually happening, would either of post about it?" 

 "Probably...but what if -"

 "Shh. Listen. They're not trapped, okay?" 

 I frowned. How the hell was she so calm about this? My girlfriend and her friend were probably getting beat up, but I was supposed to stop and breathe?

 The fact that Tiffany closed the door frustrated me. She didn't take this situation seriously enough. She held my hands in hers, and stared into my eyes. I wanted to get in my car. Someone was breathing rapidly.

 "Slow down your breathing, okay?" Tiffany said in gentle voice.

 I took deep breaths. "Why are you so calm?" 

 "Eden and Mona Lisa are okay." 

 "What the fuck does that me-"

 "Shh. Keep breathing, alright?" 

 Suddenly, Eden and Mona Lisa showed up. They were smiling like everything was fine. Tiffany let go of my hands when she saw them. I hugged them tightly. Thank God, they managed to escape so quickly. 

 "Hi, Bianca. You're in an affectionate mood today," Mona Lisa said, laughing.

 I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God, you two are okay." 

 "Why wouldn't we be okay?" Eden asked in concern. 

 I showed her Mona Lisa's Instagram story. She glanced at Mona Lisa and then at me. They clearly knew something I didn't. What was going on?

 Mona Lisa nervously laughed and slipped away from me. She whispered something to Tiffany. Eden held onto me, and stared into my eyes. 

 "Are you okay?" 

 "I am now that you are," I admitted.

 "What? I'm fine."

 "Mona Lisa's story says the opposite." 

 "Oh. That was a sneak peek of the surprise." 

 "What surprise?" 

 "Get in the car, and I'll take you to it." 

 I gave her my keys, and got in the car. After she put the key in the ignition, Mona Lisa and Tiffany got in too. She drove out of the parking lot. I rolled the window down, and relaxed when the cool air touched my skin. 

 I stared out the window. Just in case, you know? My leg was shaking the whole ride. Eden was smiling when she parked in front of a gray black, creepy house. Why?

 "Surprise! It's A haunted house!" Eden yelled. 

 I stopped shaking my leg. "Oh. Really?" 

 "Yeah. I know you like horror movies, so I thought you'd like this." 

 "Oh my God. I do love haunted houses. I'm so dumb." 

 "Sweetie, you're not dumb. You were worried. It's okay." 

 I couldn't believe I assumed the worst when Eden wasn't in our room. Finally, I calmed down after taking A few deep breaths. Eden kissed me on the cheek and got out of the car. I got out right after and walked with her to the front door. Mona Lisa and Tiffany came here with us. 

 Eden rang the doorbell, and held my hand in hers. She was okay. Everything was okay. A tall white man in a black and white suit answered the door. 

 "Hello, Ms. Adams. Did you bring your girlfriend?" 

 "Yes, Ben. Can we come in?" Eden answered.

 "Of course." 

 Ben stepped aside, and we went inside the house. We walked behind him to a study. I looked around at the wooden desk, the old bookshelf and the red tufted sofa. That was when the lights turned off. 

 When the lights turned back on, Ben was gone. Tiffany laid down on the sofa, with her eyes closed. Mona Lisa sat on the sofa and shook her. Eden and I crouched down in front of her and did the same. 

 Tiffany opened her eyes, staring straight ahead. I waved my hand in front of her face. She didn't respond. Eden and I shared a confused glance. What the hell happened?

 Tiffany looked at her blankly. "Who's Tiffany? I'm Penelope, and I have some unfinished business." 

 A smile grew on my face. Eden and Mona Lisa's jaws dropped. It was like we were in a movie. I already loved this haunted house.

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