Chapter 8: Delete You

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 As soon as we entered the frat house, Mona Lisa rushed upstairs. I went to the living room. Everyone was dancing to a song about a box. I danced too. When I turned around, I saw Bianca dancing on some dark skinned guy with waves. 

 I watched the guy touch Bianca's hips as she was grinding on him. It was sexy. Even when another song started playing, I couldn't keep my eyes off  her. She looked like she didn't have a care in the world.

 After what Bianca said to me earlier, I had to prove I wasn't some sex hating prude. So, I did the same sexy dance that she did. Then, I got twirled and ended up facing Dick. I pushed his hands off my hips and walked past him to the kitchen. 

 Tiffany was standing behind the counter, smiling up at a light skinned guy with locs. They broke their flirty gaze when I poured myself a drink. I took a sip of Lime-a-rita from my red cup. This was exactly what I needed. 

 "Tough night, huh?" Tiffany asked, tossing the can.

 I licked the lime drink off my glossy lips. "Yeah. But it's complicated." 

 "Make it simple for me." 

 "So...since the other day, I don't know who I am anymore. My only friend dropped me, because I didn't have feelings for him. My mom hates me, and my ex broadcasted one of our intimate moments to the entire world. I can't even look at myself anymore." 

 Tiffany sighed heavily. The guy in front of her raised his eyebrows. That was a lot of baggage to drop onto a stranger. But I had no one else to open up to. 

 I took another sip of my lime-a-rita. Both Tiffany and her crush went quiet for a minute. It made the moment awkward. They looked at the entrance to the kitchen. I did the same. Dick was standing there, with a stoic expression on his face. 

 He approached us. Tiffany rolled her eyes. I turned around to leave, but Dick grabbed my arm. He pushed me against the counter. My back started throbbing in pain. I didn't miss this side if him.

 "If you forget about all that other shit, we could start over." He said in a hushed tone.

 I frowned. "I can't forget about those videos you posted on Twitter." 

 "Those videos were a huge mistake. But it's not my fault. My friends were pushing me, and my dad was getting married. I needed to blow off some steam." 

 "So, you posted fifty secret sex tapes by mistake? And every girl you fucked has to suffer because you have daddy issues?"

 "Whoa. Calm down, alright? I was having fun with these hoes." 

 "Never fucking talk to me again, you asshole." 

I stormed out of the kitchen, and rushed upstairs. My eyes filled with tears. Everything that happened between me and Dick was just fun for him. He saw me as a hoe.

He didn't deserve my tears, but what he said still hurt. My phone vibrated in my black sparkly purse. I took it out and checked it. A message from Mona Lisa appeared on the screen.

Meet me in the room at the end of the hall.

I walked to the end of the hall and stopped in front of a dark room. The door was cracked. I pushed it open and walked right in. The only sound I could hear was tapping.

After the push of a button lit up under Mona Lisa's face. She was smiling proudly. I turned the light on, and gasped. The orange and black bed had a bunch of phones lying on it.

 "Where did all the phones from?" I asked.

 Mona Lisa chuckled. "Oh, these things? They were just lying around, and I picked them up." 

 "What did you do with them?" 

 "I deleted the revenge porn on them." 

 "That's so impressive." 

 "Why, thank you. Now, let's put these back." 

 Mona Lisa put the phones in white tote bags and handed on of them to me.We walked down the hallway, putting the phones back in each room. I didn't get noticed, because the people in those rooms were fucking. Then, I went to the last room.

Bianca was lying on the light brown bed, squirming uncomfortably. I set the last phone on the mahogany night stand, next to a blue cup. She slowly sat up when she saw me. I put my red cup on the night stand and sat on the bed with her. 

"Are you okay?" I asked in a gentle voice.

Bianca swayed back and forth. "No. The room is spinning."

"How many drinks did you have?"

"One. Mack gave it to me."

"Come on. Let's get you out of here."

At this point, I had no idea who I was. But I knew damn well I didn't want to be the shithead who would leave a girl drugged and alone in a frat house. I took Bianca's hand, and helped her walk out of the house. She shivered as a cool breeze blew past us.

I took off my gray hoodie, and put it on her. We walked to our dorm building. The three brown skinned girls we walked past scowled at us and whispered to eachother. After we made it to our room, I gently sat Bianca down on her bed.

"Who are you?" Bianca whispered, leaning toward me.

I sat on the bed with her. "I'm Eden. You know, your roommate."

"Oh. You're not still mad at me?"

"No. Listen, I'm sorry for every shitty thing I said to you."

"I'm sorry for calling you an uptight miserable bitch. You're kind of nice."

She leaned on me, taking a deep breath. I smiled. In that moment, I felt better than I did ten minutes ago. She probably felt way better before Mack drugged her.

I laid her down on the bed, right before running to the kitchen. Mona Lisa looked up from her silver iPhone, when I was catching my breath. I opened the white fridge and grabbed two bottles of water. Just as I was about to leave the kitchen, Mona Lisa grabbed my arm.

"Hey. You dropped this."

She took my phone out of her jean pocket, and gave it to me. I tucked a bottle of water under my arm and held my phone in my hand. I smiled. She was a lifesaver.

"Thanks. I'll get back to my room now," I said.

"Can I go with you?"


I rushed back to my room, with Mona Lisa right behind me. Bianca sat up when we came in. I dropped my phone and one bottle of water on my bed. She slowly blinked at me when I opened the other bottle of water and held it up to her lips.

"Take a sip, okay?" I suggested.

She parted her lips, and drank the water I poured in her mouth. Mona Lisa watched in stunned silence. She sat on the bed next to Bianca and held her. The swaying stopped.

When I put the half full bottle on the blue nightstand, Bianca leaned onto Mona Lisa. I played some episodes of Fatal Attraction on my purple laptop. After five episodes, Bianca fell asleep in Mona Lisa's arms. Tonight was better, because we were safe over here.

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