Chapter 18: Secrets

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 I just walked into the library. Ashley was sitting at a table by herself, reading 'House of Leaves'. I reluctantly sat on the chair across from her. She looked from the book and put it down on the table.

 She opened her black backpack and took out her camera. I stared at her with a raised eyebrow. It wasn't time to turn on the camera yet. Why did she change our plans?

"We were supposed to discuss what to do for the music video first," I told her.

She chuckled. "You're going to walk around in here, looking heartbroken and distracted. Boom. Discussion had."

"Whatever, bitch. Let me get the eye drops."

"No need. Just channel the heartbreak, and I'll handle the rest."

Ashley turned on the camera and got up. I walked with her between the bookshelves. As I touched the book spines with my fingers. A memory crossed my mind. A memory just as heartbreaking as what happened with Dick.

I just walked out of the building after my film class ended. My phone chimed in my bag. I took it out and checked it. A message from Tiffany appeared on the screen.

'Dickhead posted this on Twitter.'

The link under the message led me to a video. A video of Dick fingering me. I frowned. This asshole ghosted me for a whole week, but thought he had the right to show that video to other people?

When I saw Ashley talking to Dick, I walked faster. Ashley was giggling for no reason. I shoved Dick to the ground. His eyes widened.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"You, asshole! You don't get to ghost me and post a video of me!" I yelled.

"Why not? It's my video."

"Fuck you! That was supposed to be private!"

I opened a naked mango smoothie from my bag, and poured it on Dick's face. He got up and ran away. Fuck him. Ashley gave me a death glare.

Watching that annoying smile fade from his face made me feel better. I stared at Ashley in confusion. Why was she mad? I saved her the humiliation of dealing with Dick. We'll look back on this and laugh.

"Why the hell did you do that?" she demanded.

I sighed heavily. "Dick ghosted and humiliated me."

"Yeah, right. You mean, you cheated on him and he exposed you for the whore that you are."

She smacked me in the face. Before she had the chance to say anything else, I poured the rest of the smoothie down her white blouse. Then, I walked away. Once I made it to my dorm building, tears filled my eyes. They spilled down my face when I locked myself in the bathroom. The fact that she threw our friendship away over Dick hurt me.

Fuck her too.

Ashley smiled. "Perfect. You're so good at this."

I touched my face, which was wet with tears. Then, she turned off the camera. I dropped to the floor, and started sobbing. We stopped being friends almost a month ago, but it felt like yesterday. The wound was fresher than I thought, and it still hurt.

Ashley knelt down next to me, with concern written all over her face. I would've been surprised if I wasn't crying. She hated me. Right?

"Bianca, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine," I said, sniffling.

"You don't look fine. Just talk to me."

"I thought about that day, and...I just...never mind. I'm leaving."

"What day?"

"The day you smacked me and defended Dick."

"Oh. I'm sorry for treating you like that. You were right."

I wiped my tears. Honestly, I didn't think she'd ever say that. It left me speechless. She put the camera on the floor and pulled me into a comforting hug.

Ashley squeezed me. I squeezed her back. We weren't automatically friends again, but the animosity between us was starting to fade. My lip trembled as more tears spilled down my face.

She let go, looking at me with an expression of guilt. Her green eyes seemed softer in that moment. We both got up, and walked back to our table.

I picked up my bag and put it over my shoulder. Ashley stuffed the camera in her backpack. Then, she stared at me. I let out a shaky breath.


"You're so pretty. And I was so jealous of you back then, because Dick was all over you," she admitted.

"Thank you."

"You're wel-"

A thud on the floor caught our attention. Dick was lying on the floor, smirking at us obnoxiously. Ashley rolled her eyes. I groaned. What the fuck was he doing here?

"Speak of the sexy devil, I'm making a movie. Do you girls want to star in it?"

"Hell no. Bye," Ashley and I said in unison.

"You sure?"


"Fine. You're missing out."

After he left the library, we laughed. This man had more audacity than common sense. The last 'movie' he made with me was posted publicly. I had no idea if he did the same with Ashley.

We left the library. As soon as I took out my phone, it vibrated in my hand. It was a message from Naomi. Before I could check it, she stood right in front of me. She was obviously sad.

"Do you want to know what changed my mind?" Ashley asked.

I sniffled. "Yeah."

"Dick and I went out on a few dates, but I didn't want to have sex with him right away. I thought he was fine with it, until he sent me this."

She took out her phone and showed me a video of Dick fucking Olivia. This was a new low for him. The message under the video caught my attention. It made me roll my eyes.

  If you don't give me the pussy, someone else will.

He didn't try to hide the fact that sex was a reward to him. Even he fooled Ashley into thinking she was the exception. I felt sorry for her and Olivia.

"That's awful," I said, looking up from the phone.

Ashley put her phone in her bag. "I know. For two weeks, I thought it was my fault. That not having sex on the first couple dates was hurting him or something."

"It wasn't your fault. He's a tool."

"True. I had to stop daring for a while. Focus on me, you know? What about you?"

"I have a girlfriend. Her name is Eden."

"She's lucky."

"Thank you."

My cheeks got hot. A small smile grew on her face. She turned around, we kept walking. I smiled too. She was right. I was lucky to be with Eden.

After we went inside the dorm building, I checked my phone. Naomi's message wasn't what I expected.

How was your night, Skylar?

On the way to my room, I told her everything that happened tonight in one message. A phone vibrated in one of the rooms. That was strange. Anyway, I went to my room.

Eden was hidden under her covers. I quietly put my bag down on the desk. The minute I sat on my bed, my phone vibrated. It was another message from Naomi.

That sounds intense. Is that what acting is like?

I didn't know about other people, but acting was like that for me. Channeling emotions from real memories was a good way to make myself more convincing on camera. I only stopped, because I always got deep into character. I sent my reply.


I got up, and lifted Eden's covers up. She was asleep, and her phone was in her hand. She looked so peaceful. I kissed her on the cheek, and got in bed with her.

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