Chapter 19: Surprise Visit (Eden)

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I walked out of the campus coffee shop with a smile on my face. The ginger snap latte I sipped on put me in a warm kind of mood. My phone chimed in my light green leather purse, but I ignored it. My hands were full with the latte and my paperback copy of 'Good Girl Project'.

 Once I set foot in my dorm building, I strutted all the way to my room. But my heart dropped when I opened the door. My mom was sitting on Bianca's bed, frowning in my direction. She stood up when she saw me.

"Eden, we need to talk."

"About what?" I asked, walking into the room.

"Your boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Well, he posted a racy video of you on Twitter."


She took Nathan's black iPhone out of her brown velvet purse. Then, she showed me that video of me giving Dick a blowjob. That couldn't be possible! Mona Lisa and I deleted all the videos! How did they come back?

I dropped the book on my bed. My hand trembled. Tears filled my eyes as my mom showed me Dick's porn page on Twitter. All the videos were posted last night. Shit.

"Eden, come here," my mom said, putting Nathan's phone down.

My hand trembled. "No."

"Mom,'ll hurt me."

"Why would I hurt you?"

"Because you're mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you."

She took a couple steps closer to me. Tears spilled down my face. I closed my eyes, waited for her to yell or hurt me. Instead of doing either of those things, she hugged me.

This wasn't what I expected. The last time she hugged me was the day my dad died. Ever since then, I felt like I had no one else to be vulnerable in front of.

"You don't hate me after everything that happened?" I blurted.

She let go of me. "No. I don't hate you."

"But you said I was a-"

"What I said that day was horrible. I'm sorry."

I sat on my bed and put my latte on the nightstand. My mom sat next to me. Those words made me speechless. I dreamed of this apology happening, but I didn't actually think it would.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face. My mom took out her own phone and checked it. Two messages popped up on the screen.

Steve Hall: It's over.

Crystal Hall: Never talk to me again.

She flipped it over on her lap, when she saw me looking at her messages. I couldn't blame her. Getting taken advantage of by a married man must be embarrassing. Of course, I wasn't going to comment on that.

The door opened slowly. I glanced at it, but my mom didn't. Mona Lisa and Olivia came in, holding white fuzzy blankets. They put the blankets on my dresser, and googled out of the room.

"You should sue this boy," my mom suggested.

I turned my attention back to her. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. We can't that perverted bastard get away with this."

"But, what if he gets a slap on the wrist?"

"Then, we'll go with Plan B. Suing his ass is Plan A."

"Okay. I'll do it."

 The thought of going to court was daunting. But Dick needed to be stopped. My mom sent the link to Dick's porn page to Taymon. I didn't know where to start.

Oh my God. What if I convinced every woman on Dick's page to testify in court. We could all put him on display for a fucking jury. He will never get to do this again.

I took my phone out of my bag and typed a message. My mom watched me pick three people in my contact list. Then, I sent the message.

Alright, guys. I'm gonna take Dick down in court. Let's get the other women he he screwed over to help us!

"This is a good way to start. I've got to go," My mom said, smiling proudly.

"Thanks. Bye."

"Keep this. Bye."

She gave me Nathan's phone, before leaving the room. Obviously, I got curious and went through his messages. One name stuck out to me among the others. Dick Johnson. The most recent message from his number was sent the night he pretended not to know me.

I dumped her. Did you get into those panties yet?

I looked down at the message in disgust. Nathan used to be my friend, and he was scheming with Dick? That douchebag will get taken down too.

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