Chapter 12: Birthday Girl

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 After we walked to Barnes and Noble, Tiffany and Eden went to Starbucks. I strolled through the suspense aisle. The two books that caught my eye were called 'Next!' and 'Good Girl Project'. Eden would love these. I took them off the shelf, and walked to the register.

While I was waiting in line, I grabbed an olive green tote bag. Five minutes later, I bought the books and the tote. Before I went to Starbucks, I hid the receipt in my jean jacket pocket and put the books in the tote. Eden and Tiffany stared at me curiously. I handed it to Eden, pursing my lips.

"Happy birthday, Eden."

She smiled. "Thank you."

When she opened the tote, she gasped. Tiffany and I chuckled as she looked at the back of each book, squealing in excitement. I picked up the mocha latte right in front of me and took a sip. Eden put the books away and sipped on her caramel frappucino, smiling at me.

Her smile was enough to melt my heart. She reached across the table and grabbed my hand. 'All The Right Moves' by OneRepublic played in the background. Tiffany snapped her fingers and sang along. People were staring at us, but none of us cared. We both laughed.

Eden sang with her. Their voices sounded good together. Anyway, I took my phone out and recorded their little duet. I couldn't just let the moment pass by. Anyone would've done the same. 

 The minute the song ended, I gave Eden and Tiffany a mini applause. It was when people stopped staring at us and went back to drinking their coffee. Eden was smiling and fake bowing. I sipped on my latte again, humming the song.

"I'm glad we came here," Eden said, biting into a cheese danish.

Tiffany leaned back in her chair. "Me too. What do you think, camera girl?"

"I think this was fun."

"You're right." 

 Some white blonde girl passed our table, giving us dirty looks for no reason. Eden flipped her off. We all laughed when she ran toward the bathroom. It wasn't our fault she had a stick up her ass. 

Anyway, we got up and left the store. We walked to Tiffany's red Honda, laughing about that white girl's reaction. I finished drinking my latte as Tiffany drove out of the parking lot. My phone vibrated in my yellow backpack. I checked it, and a message from Ashley popped up on the screen. It earned an eye roll from me.

 Hey, B. Some girl called me a stuck up bitch. You need to check her.

I blocked her number. Why the fuck was she texting me? I already told her about what Dick did, but she didn't believe me. Yet, she expected me to come to her defense? Why should I go off on some stranger for being honest?

 I scrolled through Twitter, and saw some girl cry typing about getting flipped off by 'weirdos' for no reason. She left out the part where she gave us dirty looks for literally no reason. I laughed when I saw a photo of her crying. 

 'Sweet Melody' by Little Mix played on the radio as Tiffany drove through a neighborhood. It got turned off when she parked in front of a big red house. Why did she take us here?

Tiffany got out of the car, and took out some spray paint out of the trunk. Eden and I shared a glance. Tiffany had always been extra, but spray painting Dick's car was a whole other level. I had to laugh. Eden gasped.

"What is she doing?"

"It looks like she's painting the windows black," I said. 

"I can't believe she's actually doing it."

"Me either, honey."

Tiffany came back and threw the spray cans back in the trunk. An older man came out of the house right as she drove out of the neighborhood. She laughed as 'Sorry' by Beyonce played on the radio. Eden gazed out the window again. The stunt she just pulled was dramatic. But on the bright side, Dick wouldn't be able to ignore his new problem, or fuck it away. That actually made me smile. 

  Five minutes later, Tiffany parked in front of our apartment. Eden looked at us in confusion. Tiffany and I shared a glance. We all got out of the car and went up to our dorm room. There was a big bag of popcorn on my nightstand, and an open laptop on my bed. 

 Eden gasped. "What is this?" 

 "This is part two of your surprise. You can pick the movies," I said, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. 

 "This is so sweet. Can we watch 'Sorority Row' first?" 

 "Of course."

 We sat on my bed, and started that movie. I ate a handful of popcorn as we watched the sorority sisters play a prank on this creepy guy. Eden flinched when one of the sorority sisters died. Tiffany hummed during that scene. Based off the pact these girls made, I already liked the movie.

 Eden ate a few handfuls of popcorn and finished drinking her frappucino. Then, she leaned on my shoulder while the sorority in the movie graduated. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her. I could get used to little get togethers like this.

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