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Astrid's POV:
I sit in bed staring at nothing in particular for a couple of minutes before I sigh, and start getting ready for work. As soon as I graduated high school Mom and Dad asked me to work in their diner, and I couldn't say no to them. I quickly shower, dry my hair, and put it in a single braid down the side of my head. I put on my uniform which is just a plain white shirt, black pants, and a black apron with our Hofferson Family Diner logo.

I walk to our diner since it's just a 5 minute walk from our house. I can see my brother Jacob - who is literally just a male version of me- opening up the diner, I wave to him then get on with my tasks. It's the same thing everyday, set tables, serve tables, and clean tables. I notice everyone has been served and no one else walks in, so I sit in an empty booth and chill there for a while.

A couple minutes pass and I hear the bell jingle, indicating that a customer has walked in, I sigh and get up to serve them. "Welcome to Hofferson's Family Diner. What would you like to have?" I ask in a very unenthusiastic way without looking up from my writing pad

"Astrid?" the guy says

I look up at him and wonder how he knows my name -because we don't wear nametags- and I see a very familiar face "Hiccup?!" I practically shout, then cover my mouth with my hands, embarrassed, and heads turn to face me before continuing their meal

"The one and only" he replies. We talk about multiple things like the gang, how the past 5 years have been, and we somehow get on the topic of relationships.

"Soooooo, 5 years of boarding schooool, did you meet anyone? I ask in a teasing way

"Well.....there have been a couple of girls, but I wasn't interested. How about you?" he asks.

I look straight into his eyes, and I remember that night 5 years ago. Hiccup asked me to meet him at the cove, we were sitting on a rock looking at the stars in the sky when he suddenly turned to face me and said quietly "Astrid, I'm leaving Berk for boarding school in an hour...", I looked at him, and he had this sad look on his face

"Why are you telling me this now?" I ask

"I....I don't know" was all he could say. I nod, kissed him on the cheek, then headed home. Why I didn't tell him then? I have no clue. "There was this one guy a couple years back, but he left before I could tell him" I reply still looking into his eyes

"That poor dude doesn't know what he missed out on" he says quietly, I bit my lip, not wanting to accidentally say something, and I avoid his eyes, "Astrid...." he says, I look at him and then

"ASTRID, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" we jump in our seats, and I see Jacob walking straight to us, he asks why I haven't been serving tables and whatnot

"Sorry, I've been busy catching up with Hiccup" I say rolling my eyes

"Hey Jacob" Hiccup awkwardly waves at him, a flicker of recognition flashes across his face

"Hiccup? It's really you man! Welcome back to Berk." he shakes Hiccups hand and they have a quick chat before Hiccup leaves, and we get back to work.


Me and Jacob close up and walk back home. "Is he the reason why you haven't been seeing anyone these past 5 years? Jacob asks out of the blue

"I-I n-no" I say completely caught off-guard by the question, he casts me a look as if to say "I don't believe you", "Okay, Fine! Maybe he is the reason why I haven't been seeing anyone" I admit

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