Self Doubt and Words of wisdom

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Later that night, the Furious Five were walking to the bunkhouse while being led by a goose with a lantern.

Mantis: There are no words.

Crane: No denying that.

Viper: I don't know what Oogway was thinking, they're gonna get themselves killed, especially the Panda.

Crane: *sarcastic* He's so mighty! The Dragon Warrior fell from the sky on a ball of fire.

Mantis: When he walks, the ground shakes.

Everyone laughs except Tigress.

Monkey: I wonder how the fox delt with him as a brother?

Mantis: Yah, I think her name was...Yue... she must of thought he was an embarrassment, I don't blame her.

Monkey: For someone who claims she's never done Kung Fu before, she sure nailed the training course.

Mantis: Maybe she was lying just to look good.

Crane quickly came to her defense.

Crane: I don't think she lied, she was very serious when she said she had never done Kung Fu before.

Tigress: It could have been a facade, she's clearly faking it to decieve us.

Viper: Isn't that stereotyping your doing?

Tigress: It's not stereotyping, it's facts.

Viper: Saying she is deceiving us just because she is a fox.

Tigress: It's not because she's a fox.

Mantis: Then what is?

Tigress: *pauses* Nevermind, and besides, to think Master Oogway would choose someone who knows Kung Fu.

Crane: Yeah, or could at least touch his toes.

Monkey: Or even see his toes.

As the walk off laughing, Po and Yue emerge from behind a rock, unknown to the Five, they have been following them hearing everything. Yue feeling hurt, she felt very insecure as grabbed her shoulders feeling uncomfortable in her skin. Po attempted to see his feet by lifting his belly.

Yue: Hey Po, I'll be right back, I just need to do something real quick.

Po: *facing away* Okay, see you in the morning.

With that, Yue walled away from her brother and was now wondering around a Peach tree near a pond, when she walked up to the river and looked at her reflection, she just felt so uncomfortable, seeing the "deceiving fox" Everyone sees, it made her feel so..... lost

Yue: Why am I even here, no one seems to trust me just because of what I am?

???: If you weren't here, you wouldn't have discovered your gifts.

Yue was startled by a voice, she turns around and sees Oogway walking up to her.

Yue: Oh, Master Oogway, I didn't see you there.

Oogway: I sense there's something troubling you, what would that be dear?

Yue: *looks away*Nothings troubling me, I'm fine.

Oogway: Yaying your fine is different from feeling it, if you don't open up to others, how will they be able to help you?

Yue paused for a moment, and then spoke.

Yue: Ever since I was a kid, everyone has been stereotyping me as a sly deceiver, all because I'm a fox, I know it's not true but sometimes I think that maybe those people are right, what if that's all I am, just a deceiving fox that nobody can trust.

Oogway took a long pause before finally speaking up.

Oogway: Does your brother think that way?

Yue: *looks at him* No...

Oogway: Does anyone else think your a good person?

Yue: Well, my dad, some of the villagers.

Oogway: Exactly, why focus on the negatives when you should be focusing on the positive?

Yue: I know, it's just I can't get those thoughts out of my head.

Oogway: If you continue leading your life judged by others, you'll forget what matters the most.

Yue: What's that?

Oogway: You have a choice, your own opinions, it's what matters the most, no one should tell you who you are or who you should be, only you can decide that.

With those words, Master Oogway left Yue, with his words of wisdom in her head as she held on the Jade Pendant around her neck, wondering if he was right.

To be Continued....

*Note sorry if this was a bit short*

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