Charlie to the Rescue

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Spike stood alone at a mall nearby his old town. He thought he was alone at least as he did some homework on his phone, but of course he wasn't alone. Charlie Watson tapped his shoulder, causing Spike to flinch. He sighed in relief, "Hi Charlie." She laughed softly, "What's up Spike? You look like you're out of it really badly." Spike hung his head and nodded, "Carly left. Her family and her left the state. Moved to Oregon... She left a message for me to give Cliff and Side-Burn..." Charlie slowly hugged Spike as he put his phone away and hugged her back. She rubbed his back as he shook his head, "I messed up didn't I?" Spike whispered as Charlie shook her head, "C'mon, let's sit down and talk about it." The two walked to a restaurant and got some food before sitting down at a table and just started talking about everything.
"I think choosing the Autobots over her was the last straw but I don't know..." Spike said as Charlie at a fry, "I think she's kinda stupid. She left you and the war despite being involved? I get PTSD but c'mon man, she needs to be smarter. Also wasn't she involved a lot longer than you were?" Spike nodded his head, "Yeah she had Side-Burn and Cliffjumper for 2 years and then the Autobots introduced themselves to us properly... But I dunno, it feels like it's on me." Charlie nodded, "Guilt...can be a very confusing thing. But we can't let it decide what to do for us. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you both needed this." Spike shrugged and at his pizza slice, "I guess you're right..." She nodded, "C'mon, we'll go to Kicker's place and chill out there. I think you need friends more than loneliness." Spike nodded and grabbed his food as Charlie grabbed hers and the two walked out, "How'd you find me?" Spike asked as Charlie smirked and pointed at Goldbug/Bumblebee driving up, "Bee."
"Nice... New paint job Bee?" The car honked twice as Charlie got in the driver side and Spike got in the passenger side of Bee's mustang mode before the Autobot drove off. Charlie relaxed with her hands on the steering wheel as Spike looked at her, "Thanks for caring Charlie. I needed that." Charlie looked at him as she winked and smiled, "What are friends for." Spike nodded and smiled softly as she looked out the front window, "Bee, are we safe to return to Autobot City?" Bee did a scan and gasped, "No way... We got vehicons and scout cons from Megatron's elite nearby..." Charlie sat back as Spike opened his bag and held his Blaster pistols. "Where's the backup Bee?" The bot put a call out as he drove on. Several cons drove closer as Charlie put on some light armor, giving Spike some armguards. The young man put on some shin guards he had in his bag. Bee slowly sped up as traffic slowly started to Vanish. The Decepticons Shatter, Dropkick, Runamuck, Runabout, and the dread-brothers all surrounded the group. Charlie closed her eyes as she waited but then some horns were heard in the distance. A semi-truck and a sports car drove up as Hot Rod sped in and crashed against Dropkick, the others were worried as Elita-1 sped up and drove next to Bee. And on the Bot's left was Optimus Prime himself, opening the back of his trailer as several Autobots drove out. Prime activated his teleporter in his trailer as he sent it to Teletraan-1 and immediately transformed, slamming two vehicons into the ground and kicking Shatter into the other road. Hoist sped up as he activated his canon and blasted a vehicon. Prime stood and fought some of the cons on the road as he kicked Shatter back and punched another con, "Elita! Get them to safety!"
"On it Prime!" She said over the coms as Hot Rod ran to catch up before transforming. Dropkick chased after them as Elita called a different channel, "Skyfire, we need immediate pick-up at this location." She sent the coordinates. Skyfire got the call and ran out of the Ark as he transformed and rocketed out to the sky. "Skyfire: enroute!" He said as he launched to them. He scanned the skies as he narrowly avoided getting blasted, "Got some complications! Starscream and some seekers are here!" Elita grumbled. She drove faster with the others as she spoke to Bee, "We gotta get outta here! Somehow we-!" She was interrupted by the landing of Lockdown the legendary bounty hunter himself. Elita transformed and kicked him back as Bee transformed and held Charlie and Spike. As soon as they were about to fire, Soundwave fired a stun blast as the group fell down. Lockdown threw Elita aside as Skyfire landed and tried to fight off the seekers. Lockdown held Elita at gunpoint. Spike grabbed his guns and shot at Lockdown's face. The hunter glared at him as Spike got up. Soundwave stunned him again as he knelt down and sighed quietly. Prime and the others ran over as Optimus shook his head, holding a gun to the Bounty Hunter's head. Lockdown smirked until Charlie blasted his optic. Skyfire punched two seekers away as Starscream grabbed Lockdown and flew off with the rest. The vehicons drove off as Prime helped Elita and Bee up. Bee held Charlie as she got up and winked. Spike got up slowly as Hoist helped him up. Charlie jumped down as she ran to Spike and held him up, "Now what Prime?" Prime looked at them and sighed, "You must not leave Autobot City or wherever you stay..." Bee rubbed his chin, "I know a place that the cons don't know." He transformed as the two hopped in. He drove off as Optimus looked at Hoist, "Call for some clean up... This was... Unexpected..."

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