letter two

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Dear Sim Jaeyun,

Today I learned you were beginning to fail your subjects due to being busy with the other extracurriculars that you were present with. On top of that, I heard your family is working to migrate you all back into your birthplace.

It's sad to hear that you were never from here in Brisbane. Even if you lived here for the education, you will still return to where your heart desires.

Either way, our adviser elaborated the importance of passing all the subjects and exams by the end of year before you could ask for a transfer.

I couldn't help but eavesdrop the conversation between the top 1 of our class and he said that he could not help you, the session ended up with him bursting into tears because he was apparently being pressured by his mom to get a scholarship in the top universities of Australia, so he could not possibly have time to tutor you.

But unfortunately because of this incident, our teacher called for me next, not knowing I've been anticipating it.

I immediately agreed which seemed to shock you at the same day, I regretted doing so but you were more surprised at my enthusiastic behaviour, as if you didn't expected me to have such an eager smile plastered on my face.

You tried to ask me if it will be okay for you to take most of my time after school and I just nodded, being careful not to look too excited or else, I might turn you off.

Seeing the smile in your face on the way out of the room, the way everywhere seems to light up as you walked with me had made me laugh at my luck especially when you waved to me before I get onto my bus.

I know tutoring you won't change the way you felt about me but that's fine for me for I have two advantages. I can admire your looks during the sessions and I can hopefully find flaws in you, so I can stop liking you because I know sooner or later, you'll leave.

Tommorow I'll be teaching you about Chemistry, one of the best subjects for me and I hope you can bear spending time with me while I teach you and not give me too much smiles, or else, I would have a melt down in front of you.

I'm tired of writing this second letter. You know, it hurts my hand and I'll write here again when something big happens, well if anything happens between us to be honest.

I doubt you'll like me by the time the school year ends, but it doesn't hurt to hope, right?

Sincerely yours,
Y/N L/N.

Dear Sim Jaeyun ⚊ Letter Series #3 ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon