Love & Pride

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Weeks after the heat incident, Seth did not bother to contact Cade nor did he ask his assistant to follow up on the signed partnership agreement. He made himself busy with designing and thinking about how his alpha views him now. He was too embarrassed to face Cade after all the things he said to him. It was half true that the reason he approached him was to get his attention but he never thought of using his pheromones to get him.

How can he face his Alpha, when he thought that he was only there to seduce him? Such an epic scenario. He wanted to hide in a cave or bury himself in an underground tunnel. He was too ashamed.

He was sighing all day, keep thinking of Cade, and pestering his assistant to keep his mind distracted. He wanted to see him but for now, he should distance himself to avoid his Alpha from slipping away.

"Can you stop that? If you want to see him then visit his office." Alexis was at his limit now. Seth follows him everywhere and talks about Cade all day but his hand still did some sketching which made Alexis really amaze by the multitasking skills of his friend.

With his pouty and 'have mercy on me' face, Seth said, "Entertain your best friend! I'm so lonely, I miss my Alpha." All day his mouth keeps saying 'his alpha'

Alexis looks at him with blank face and answered in a flat tone, "I'm your best friend, not your clown." then he stormed away and went to the bathroom.


Without Alexis in his sight, he turned to the other target... Yff... the dog who only wanted some peace and bones was now in danger of facing his lovesick owner. Yff whimpered when he saw his master coming.

"Yff!! Papa is here... look, look at me, tell me... what can you see? Huh?" Seth came running to hug Yff and hold him like a baby and rub his head. The poor dog was pestered by his unemployed father.

"Arf! Arf!"

"Baby, Papa wishes to see your daddy, Papa doesn't want to endure it too. Sigh, Wish I could erase everything and program your daddy's heart to love me... but I can't, right? I don't want a robot. I want my alpha."

Yff turn his head sideways, staring at Seth with a confused expression, he continued "... but Papa needs to lie. Papa needs daddy to love him naturally. Should I let him go?"

"Barf!" Yff bark loudly, it echoes throughout the whole house.

"Hey! you should not say that as my son. It's your dad! Don't you want to see your dad and papa together?"

Yff replied with a whimper.

"Does happiness depend on money? No! no, it doesn't." Seth crossed his arms and raised his head, pouting his lips. While Yff, the poor dog, slowly folds his four legs and lies down on the floor not wanting to listen anymore.

"How to get your daddy? My beauty doesn't work anymore."

Talking to his dog, Seth didn't realize the prying eyes looking at him with a dark aura, "Tsk! spare your dog. I'll set an appointment with your Alpha so you'll have an excuse to see him and please stop with the drama!"

Whenever Seth felt pressure, a rise of emotion, or sadness he will always... always be twice dramatic. One of the reasons why Alexis was not interested in a relationship. One Seth was enough.

"Really? Ahhh... Alexis is the best! When is it? I should prepare my clothes now." Seth runs quickly into his closet with a beaming smile.

"I thought he was avoiding him?! Love makes you crazy indeed," whispered Alexis while shaking his head. He could never understand this kind of loyal and unchangeable love.

Meanwhile, at Cade's office, the atmosphere was a bit awry. Black clouds cover the whole building. The man sitting in his black rotating chair almost could not focus on his work, the faint scent still lingers in the four corners of the office. That peach scent that's making him crazy for a week now.

"I heard the President is in a bad mood again."

"It's been a week now. Is he sex deprived?"

"All projects that were presented were either rejected or for revision. Let's be careful not to irritate him more."

Early in the morning and his temper was rising, scolding everyone he saw on the way. He can be compared to a wolf losing the only meat he got after hunting for a whole season.

He loosens his tie to get some air, he felt like suffocating but he wanted this smell to stay in this room. His body and mind were at war for a week now. His secretary suggests cleaning the air but when it's time to do it he immediately stopped the work and throws everyone out.

This feeling was one that he hates the most, not being able to get what he wanted. He was an Alpha and an Alpha can't beg someone for something that he wanted. No! Especially to an Omega... especially to his rival.

"Mr. President! Mr. Lacklored's secretary asks for the contract. Should I insert them in your schedule?"

Cade's hand paused midway while signing documents, his eyes twinkled and his lips curve up in a split second.

"Clear my Saturday schedule. I will only meet with the owner. Eight in the morning, sharp. Not a second late... tell them that."

His secretary went from smiling to straight face to shock and to worried face. Saturday's schedule was the most important one; a family gathering.

"Mr. President, Saturday is a bit imp-"

Cade looks at him with a murderous eye and went back to signing the documents. The poor secretary can only swallow his dry saliva in silence.

The dark cloud that covers the whole building was replaced with a bright and sunny sky. The President has an invisible bright light that surrounds him blinding the person looking at him.

"Wow! the transition is impeccable. What happens to the President?

"Is the President sick?"

"It's creepy seeing the President smile and so leisurely."

Two days passed and Saturday arrived like a flash of light but for the two-person, two days were like a hundred years.

"Did you miss me, Mr. Salvians?"



What will be Cade's answer to Seth?

a.) Let's get this done quickly.

b.) I feel like dying not seeing you.

c.) The audacity...

Crazy Rich Omega [original novel - COMPLETED in GoodnNovel site]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ