Only in front of you

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When it comes to his profession, Seth can talk non-stop. It was his gasoline, his engine, his food, his heart, and his soul. The only light in the dark. Fashion design was his baby.

"Shall we begin, Mr. Salvians?" a soft and sweet smile flashed on his face yet he exudes a bold aura ready to fight whoever was on his way. Seth was unlike any other typical omega, he knew what he wants, he will fight for what he wanted and he will strive to get what he wants even if it means clashing with an alpha.

Mr. Salvians looked at him from the bottom to the top, his eyes fixed on the omega's eyes for a second, "Please, Mr. Lacklored."

"I have five minutes, so reserve your question at the end of my presentation." He took the laser pointer and a black pen, "here's a pen if you don't have one."

Mr. Salvians slightly raised his brow upon hearing the last line, he took the pen and played with it in between his slender fingers. He sits with his back propped on the back of the chair, his index finger unconsciously playing with his lower lip. Annoyance was visible on his pale and handsome face. An omega was challenging him.

"This project theme is about Love in all forms, love itself was overused in all aspects however love is still fundamental in human beings so people will still buy the idea. This year, SeCa will launch clothing designs for same-sex couples but we will start with male-male this coming spring, then by winter we will be launching for female-female..."

"These designs will not touch the second gender but the first gender only. This way the buyers will not be limited to Alpha-Omega pairing alone as both first genders can have either one of the three second genders."

Seth discusses the project including the nitty-gritty details leaving no room for misunderstanding or incomplete information. All throughout the presentation, Mr. Salvians was silently listening looking for a loophole in the project design unfortunately, he found none.

"My team will do all the labor. All Mr. Salvians needed to do is to be there when I need him to try the clothes. My PR team will coordinate with your PR team for the marketing and launching. Is there any clarification?" He finished everything in five minutes still wearing his confidence.

Mr. Salvians was quiet for a while then as he was about to stand up a perfect question comes to mind, "The design is for a couple, who will be my partner as the muse? Will it be Mr. Lacklored?" he smirks and stared at Seth giving him a malicious look.

I guess all Alphas hate being dominated. Come on, keep coming my Alpha, I can play with you all day.

"Seems like Mr. Salvians has taken a liking to me. I should not disappoint an Alpha; I will gladly be your partner." again Seth gave him an innocent sweet smile.

If only you could be a little, just a little nice. You're too handsome to always frown, I'll make you smile in the future.

"Mr. Lacklored knows how to flutter. Then I will look forward to our partner-ship." he walks out of the room but before he closed the door he spoke, "Bring the documents to the office tomorrow for me to sign."

So domineering, as expected of my Alpha. We will see each other again tomorrow, should I act tough again? or should I be a little sweet?

"Daydreaming again?" Alexis took him back to reality.

"You should find someone to love so you'll understand me better." he snorted. "I need to start working on- damn it! I forgot to take his body measurement."

"Ah. Can't you determine by just looking? you only want to touch that xx-yy-zz for sure."

"I'm not a pervert! I respect my Alpha."

"Say it to the wall, Mr. Lacklored..."

Respect? Yes! He respects and admires Mr. Salvians with all his heart. He might be imagining hot scenes with him but he will never dare to cross the line as long as that Alpha doesn't allow him. For him, respect and trust were the fruit of his love for him.

With so much inspiration, Seth finished all the designs that night. The work must start as soon as possible if they want to launch by spring. Fabrics must be ordered as early as two months prior to sewing. Sewers won't be a problem they work fast and clean, they knew what Seth wants but all these designs must be tried by the muse for him to completely say that it's good to go.

And that muse was his ultimate challenge. He was not sure if that Alpha will cooperate all the time. Such a pain in the neck but sweet honey for his heart. The anticipation boils his heart and it's making him happy.

He went to Mr. Salvian's company the next day. Alexis wasn't able to accompany him as he needs to choose the fabrics.

"Remember to bring your medicine."

Alexis was like an elder brother who will nag, and bully him but still takes care of him. Alexis was a beta and as far as Seth knows, he was attracted to females so there was no misunderstanding between them and there was no competition for a lover.

Knock... knock

"Come in"

Mr. Salvians was sitting in a black office chair reading while signing a pile of documents. His coffee went cold after a long time of working and falling into a blank space.

"Hi! Mr. Salvians."

Seth walks inside the office wearing a flowy and silky black top unbutton until his chest area. His white complexion was highlighted and his slim waist can attract the attention of all viewers.

Mr. Salvians looks at him from head to toe and toe to head, he smiled maliciously and said, "Fashion designers are a different breed indeed. Please, have a sit."

"Just making myself presentable, that's all." Compared to him, Mr. Salvians was always wearing a tuxedo or an Americana in navy blue and sometimes black. "I look forward to seeing you wearing my designs in the future." He flashed a business-like smile.

"What? Wearing your designs?" his voice was monotone, but his face showed confusion and irritation.

"Part of being my muse." he rebutted.

"I agree to be your muse but not to wear your designs."

Ah! my Alpha is also stupi- calm down. Calm down.

"Mr. Salvians, a muse must wear the designer's creation, however..." he leaned forward almost reaching the face of Cade, he continued, "you have an option to only wear it in front of me." That gave Cade a glimpse of what was hidden inside those black clothes. It was... pinkish... those two small dots.

Seth sits properly again, crossing one leg to the other not knowing what his action just now did to the other. "Is that what Mr. Salvians is proposing?"

"I won't wear any of your designs." his voice was slightly hoarse, "Don't dream of it."

"Ah! So, Alpha doesn't abide by the rules. Such a shame."

Hitting him in the spot, Seth knew that an Alpha can't break any rules or the order will be affected. They must be the model as the leader of the pack.

"Then, only in front of you." Cade project an expressionless face.

Aww... such a cute baby...

"Please, sign here. Take off your clothes after."


Sept 7

Crazy Rich Omega [original novel - COMPLETED in GoodnNovel site]Where stories live. Discover now