chapter 24 🍋

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2 years later...

Salem wasn't so bad, i wish the night scene was a little livelier, but what can i really ask for from a town that worships creatures of the night? Too bad Danny wasn't here to enjoy it.

I scanned the cobblestone street, like i did everynight, hoping to see that familiar mask. Even after all this time, somehow i couldn't give it up. I couldn't give up the hope that maybe Danny would come back, and he would sweep me off my feet just like he did the first night. I brought the lit cigarette to my lips, and took a long, thoughtful draw.

What even happened to him? He just...disappeared. He ran into that darkness and was never seen again. I hate it. I need to see him again.

He must really have been my soulmate, for me to never get over him.

I puffed out the cigarette smoke and tapped the end of the lit stick into my ash tray, effectively putting it out. I stood up from the creaky chair and went inside my house. The same one Danny had bought. I couldn't bring myself to leave this place. I walked into my bedroom and plopped myself down on the bed, and sighed, closing my eyes and letting myself just fall backwards.

Damn, I'm tired.

I let the spinning nicotine high in my head whirl away any depression and heartache that i carried heavily these past 2 years. Nothing could be worse than this haze I'm living through, and I let the weight of sleep drag me down into the dark abyss for a speck of relief.




I was jerked awake by the sensation of alarm.

My heart raced in my chest, and my throat was dry. I felt vulnerable, and i immediately began mentally searching for my weapons. They were in my closet across the room from me, under the pile of clothes to hide them. I wouldn't be able to get to them in time.

Why do i feel the need to grab a knife?

My question was answered by the tiniest creak of the floor, the sound so light it was almost covered by my heart pounding. I heard the softest breath behind me, and felt a light touch move my hair back from my face. Was someone trying to get a good look at me? I almost shuddered as the mysterious hand ran itself through my hair.

"Finally. God, I missed you." He murmured, relief washing through his voice, but it sent a sobering jolt through my entire body, and i sat upright suddenly, i had to see if i was dreaming.

I almost headbutted the white mask of Ghostface. He jumped back, almost falling straight back on his ass. I stared wordlessly at him, my mouth gaping open like a fish.

"...Danny?" I whimpered, breathless.

He took off the mask, and Daniel smiled sweetly at me.

"Sorry i took so long, dollface." He tilted his head at me in the way that he used to that sent my heart thumping wildly. My lip quivered as he spoke. I reached out to grab him, i had to check. I had to see if he was some sort of illusion. My fingers were met by the feel of his jacket, the soft cloth straps having been replaced by leather ones, the worn fabric of his previous jacket was now a much darker black, and the material felt much more suede.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together as he removed his leather gloves and carressed my cheek lightly with his hand.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to come and see you sooner, but it was too danger-" he was cut off by my lurching forward to grasp him in a tight embrace.

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