chapter 8

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"...this is weird." I said, turning to look at Ghostface, instead of his handsome everyday face, it was the mask. He chuckled and nodded,
"Admittedly, yes. But it gets the job done. Observe." He said, pointing toward my sister's house. I watched the windows in her house, watching the lights turn on between rooms that my sister traveled through, making her path to the living room. The only sound resonating through the night air was his breathing over mine. It was near a pant with excitement and anticipation of the kill, stimulating my senses as he looked at me through the mask. He chuckled to himself, and i could almost feel the intense gaze.

"Sweetheart you are so, very beautiful." He said, lovingly. I was taken aback for a moment, but my heart rate spiked and i couldn't stop the blush that climbed to my cheeks. He shifted towards me, his body inching across the dirt to be closer to my side, he lifted his hand to gently set it on the mask, his fingers pressing into the soft flesh of my neck and jaw. He hummed as he stroked his thumb across the hard plastic mask.

"You are my only exception, dear. Your sister is going to die tonight, horribly. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He asked sweetly, his voice dripped with eagerness for her to say something.

The more i thought, maybe this was a bad idea...she was my sister. She's so close to me that killing her might be hard to get away with. But this Ghostface plan should draw eyes away from me. I'm with the actual Ghostface. This was smart. This was my free ticket. I began to think of every single time that sister of mine betrayed me, made fun of me, stole boyfriends and was in general nasty my entire life. Every incident that led me to loathe her.

"I want that bitch dead." I said before i could even think any further about it. He laughed softly.

"Then dead she will be, love." He cooed, then took his hand to look back at the house.

The light in the living room was on.

"That's our cue. Sister dearest is sitting on the couch, probably scrolling through her Instagram." I said, watching the now motionless, well lit house.

"Follow me doll, and stay close. We want to be quiet." He said, guided us through the thicket of her yard, his footsteps almost nonexistent on the damp ground. Following behind him was no challenge, and felt too fluid as he pried at her bathroom window with his knife, popping it open with a satisfied hum. He extended his arm inside and slipped in with with only the sound giving him away was the swish of the fabric of his jacket slipping across the surface of the window. I stepped to the sil, his hand extending back outside for me to take.

"What a gentleman." I giggled quietly as i took his hand, the unfamiliar heat rose in my chest and face as i slipped inside, my feet were quiet but the step was a little too hard for my liking. Too hard to match his.

He ran his finger across the cheek of the mask, a gentle chuckle echoed from behind the mask. I couldn't help the soft sigh at the loving touch. None of my exes ever touched me like this. No one had. I like his gentle touches.

He retracted his hand when a shout from the living room drew both our attention.

"I don't understand...I thought you said you loved me!" My sister's voice muffled any and all noise both Ghostface and I made as we stepped into the hallway, nearly in sync. It was pleasant having someone else on the same wavelength. Sidling along the wall to reach the shadowed doorway of the big living room she was standing in. I could see Ghost in the doorway of the kitchen to my right, ready with his knife. Waiting for her to turn around. He cartoonishly waved at me and i almost couldn't stifle the giggle that bubbled up in my chest. He reached to the inside of his coat and produced his iconic camera, and decided to start changing the roll of film right there in the doorway. He waited till Marie tossed her phone on the couch and snapped the case shut, loudly. She jumped out of her skin and looked at him.

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