chapter 22

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A/N: this is my formal apology for the last chapter 💀


A full 2 weeks had passed with no sign of Danny. I watched the news hopelessly, constantly. Praying that i would see his name and face. Just any sign to tell me he was alive.


I hoped he had gotten away, and was just laying low for the time being. That was my only logical answer, even if it was just to keep me sane, and the only thing holding me back to not throw myself out the nearest door to go looking for him. I paced frantically around my now barren living room, gently running a hand across my belly where he had last put his. Even after all this time i could still recall the weight and warmth of his hand on me. I have to think about what was best for our baby, and for me, right now.

Should i just go to Salem to wait for him? Was that even a good idea?

Was he already there, and waiting for me? He wouldn't have been able to get there already, would he? How would he have gotten there if i have his car?

Was he hiding here, somewhere in town? Did he even have anywhere to hide?

If i left would he be able to find me? No, of course he would. He's Ghostface. And he loves me. He'd search to the ends of the earth for me. I know he would.

I flopped down miserably on my sofa, my legs finally wearing out. As soon as i touched the soft surface i began to break down uncontrollably. My very life went from the verge of isolation, to some kind of twisted fairy tale where my prince charming was the villain, to the entire world crumbling around me, and i couldn't do a damn thing to stop it.

All i could do was cry into my hands.

I miss Danny so much.

I felt a pang in my stomach the signaled my hunger. I hadn't eaten in a while. I sighed at myself. I could hear him scold me, and berate me how that isn't healthy for the baby. I stood up and crossed the empty house to the kitchen, and opened the pantry door. Not much food was left, since most of it had been eaten or packed away. But there was bread and several spreadables, including peanut butter. My lip quivered angrily as i took the foodstuffs from the pantry and set them on the counter. I looked to the line of boxes labeled "kitchen" and i opened one, retrieving the toaster.

I went to fixing myself some toast, but the waiting was the worst part. It left too much room to think. And this gesture felt empty, trying to encourage myself to eat with a food that brought a happy memory. A memory about Danny.

I popped a piece of bread into the slot and pressed the buttom to lower the small cage, starting the toasting process.

"Danny...what am i gonna do without you?" I sighed, burying my face in my palms. I blinked against my skin and saw the thin shiny lines of scar tissue, where he'd cut into my palm the evening we met.

He wasn't just a dream, at least. I didn't make up the 2 months we spent together. He was out there, somewhere. I just know he is. He's gotta come back.

He has to.

"Breaking News tonight..." the newsletterman on my tv said. I turned my attention to the screen, my hands falling with a soft thunk onto the kitchen counter.

"Wanted Serial killer Ghostface confirmed to have struck again. His most recent murder is connected to the death of a 27-year old man named Joseph Mikov. The investigation into this recent murder is ongoing, and more information will be available after further investigation, but authories have confirmed that not only was it Ghostface that precformed these murders, but there was likely a second person involved in this murder." I felt my heart jump.

Ghost of My LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora