chapter 17

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A/N: dont mind the absolute spamming of updates, today was a good day and i felt like writing. 🥰eat well, simps🥰 i appreciate every single one of you!


Danny held my hand in the waiting room of the clinic, gently petting my hand with his thumb, he let me lean on his shoulder and close my eyes. I was still so tired, but i couldn't sleep. He leaned his head on mine and tenderly kissed the top of my head.

"Will you go back there with me?" I asked him, feeling like a child. But i hate doctors.

"Of course, dollface. I'm not going to let you go back there alone." He murmured quietly. We sat there for a small eternity as my head began to spin slowly and my chest thumped uncomfortably.

"Y/n L/n?" A nurse in scrubs called as she opened the thin glass door that seperated the patient rooms from the waiting area. Danny stood up and helped me up, wrapping an arm around my waist for support. The nurse gave us a sweet smile under her medical mask and she escorted us to an empty room in the back.

"Theresa will be in shortly to do your generals, then your doctor will come in, okay sweetie?" The little nurse said, petting my arm as i sat up on the patient bed. I nodded to her and sighed as she left, anxiety not helping my stomach. It was cold enough in the room that my skin prickled into goosebumps, even with my fever. I shivered under my hoodie as Danny sat on the extra chairs next to the patient bed. We waited in silence for seemingly another eternity until a nurse with the name Theresa embroidered in purple on her scrubs knocked and entered the room. She had wild, dark untamed curly hair that puffed into a cute afro on her head. Her skin reminded me of dark chocolate, even under her mint green scrubs. She smiled under her medical mask, her blue eyes brimmed with pity as she took in my condition.

"Alrighty dearie.." he hummed to herself, looking me over. And pulling down a thermometer from the wall above me, she did the usual of holding it in my ear and she checked my blood pressure. Everything. She even drew blood, which Danny calmly help my hand for in case i needed it. She asked me various questions about how i felt, groggy. Sore. Sick. Hot and cold. I just wanted to go home and lay in my bed.

"Alright dear give us a few minutes and we'll have some results for you. In the meantime just lay down and relax. Your doctor will be in shortly." I rubbing the inside crook of my elbow and grumbled unhappily to myself. Now my arm will be sore all day.

"Doll, it's just a little prick, i think you've inflicted far worse." Danny chuckled, and kissed my hand.

"I still dont like it.." i groaned. He nodded his head in understanding, getting stabbed by any means sucks.

"Why dont you lay down? Try to rest, like the nurse said." He sighed and gently pushed me down on the bed, rubbing my shoulder soothingly. I closed my eyes and shivered against the cold paper that covered the patient bed. Danny's hand rubbind up and down my arm provied a comfort that lulled me close to sleep until the actual doctor came in. Time was passing too quickly to be orienting.

"Alright Y/n, we got some good news and some better news and some bad news." He said, letting a low puff of air out as he looked at my clipboard, i opened my eyes groggily and stared at him, he was clearly unsettled by Danny and I's lack of responses, but he continued.

"So, the good news, we know what's got you under the weather, turns out its just a little flu. You should feel better in a few days...but there's a little something else we caught in your bloodwork." He adjusted his mask and looked between the two of us.

"What is it?" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as another wave of nausea washed over me.

"Turns out you're pregnant. By the looks of your hgc levels, I'd say somewhere between 4-5 weeks." He looked back down to my charts, flipping through them to double check. I felt my heart stop in my chest, like time itself had frozen and was going to stay still until i processed what i just heard.

"Yep, 4-5 weeks. And due to your current condition i would highly suggest you take it as easy as possible. Lots of water, rest and food." He said cheerily at me. I looked at Danny, he looked pale and shellshocked. He wasn't expecting that either, i assume.

"Now the bad news, if your current condition gets any worse you could potentially lose the baby. We don't want that to happen, so just follow the 3 R's, okay?" He looked between Danny and i, and i sat up on the bed.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Danny asked,  his hand ghosted over my back and rubbed it soothingly.

"100%." The doctor nodded affirmatively and closed his clipboard.

"So i think we should have a quick rundown of what you shouldn't be doing right now, after you start feeling better. No fish, obviously, raw foods, honey, caffeine in excess. I will send down a prescription for some prenatals that you can grab from the desk on your way out. Start taking them immediately, to give your body the best fighting chance for your baby." He droned on and on, but all i could think of was one thing.

It's Danny's baby. I know that for a solid fact. Joseph and i always wore protection, and whats more, we hadn't been sleeping together for over a few months before we broke up anyway. There was zero chance.

But this isn't just Danny's baby. It's Ghostface's progeny. Potentially his successor. I cradled my hand against my stomach as the doctor carried on, Danny took the mantle of listening while i processed the information.

What if Danny didn't want the baby? I felt my chest squeezing, it wasn't just up to me or him, i wanted us to agree. But i felt the little seed of want planting itself in my heart, and i knew it was over.

I'd be devastated if he didn't want the baby with me.

"Darling?" Danny shook my shoulder gently as the doctor left, snapping my attention to his face. Every line on was etched with worry.

"Are you okay?" He took my face in his hand, and gently petted my cheek.

"I...What are we going to do?" My lip quivered and i covered it with my hand.

"Darling...i think this is wonderful!" He grinned down at me, kissing my forehead and weaving his hands through my hair.

"We'll pick up those vitamins before we leave, and we're going to make sure you get all the rest you need." He kissed my cheeks and forehead repeatedly, leaving a trail of kisses around my entire face, sending tears streaming out of my eyes. 

"You really want it?" I sniffled, looking up at him. He nodded eagerly and continued kissing all over my face, leading down my neck and shoulder.

"Darling, you just continue to make me so happy, each and every day." He giggled, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. I looped my arms around his back as he squeezed me into his chest.

He released me after a few moments and ran his hand through my hair.

"Lets go home, my heart." He said softly, kissing my forehead one last time as he helped me off the patient bed and onto the floor gently, with a triumphant chuckle.

"I called it." He said. I looked up at him and tilted my head.

"In the shower. I told you i was gonna get you pregnant at this rate." He chuckled, carressing my cheek with his soft, cool hand.

"According to the doctor, by the time you said that i was already pregnant. "Gonna" insinuated that you hadn't already." I rolled my eyes at him playfully, and he grinned stupidly the more i kept talking.

"Oh, that's  how you're gonna play that, okay."  He chuckled and shook his head at me. His beautiful blue eyes overbrimmed with adoration towards me as he gently took my hand and we began the journey back home finally.

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