chapter 12

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I knocked on my mom's front door with an admittedly shakey hand. What if bringing Danny here was a mistake? I was the one who said it might not be a good idea, but then my mom and ex don't talk. I could see the shadows of movement from inside, but it wasn't my mom.

"Uhhhhh oh." I muttered, peering through the window of the door. Danny looked at me with a mildly worried expression.

"What's wrong?" He tried to look inside as i held him back and groaned.

"My dad is here." I sighed, my nose wrinkling up in disgust.

"I...take it we do not like your father?" Danny said quietly in my ear as the shadow grew closer, clearer and darker.

"No. No we do not." I murmured as my father opened the door, he towered over me with his dull expression and even duller e/c eyes. Everyone always told me i looked like the spitting image of my father, and i believe it's due to the fact that we share similar...inclinations. He's just never had the balls to go through with it.

"Y/n." He gruffed, and then glanced to Danny with a tight stare. "Who the hell's this?"

"Dad..that's not your business." I warned. The last time we had this argument it ended with him and i wrestling on the ground for each other's throats, fighting for the same knife.

"Hmm.." He sneered. "I think it is when you're bringing him to your parent's house." I glared up at him. The tension was so thick it was palpable.

"My name is Ripley, sir." Danny said with a polite smile, cutting between my father and i. I looked at Danny, who had taken the mantle of staring my father down.

"Ripley, huh?" He said after many excrutiating seconds, "And what exactly are you doing with my daughter, Ripley?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

"In a few words or less, we're slowly starting a relationship together, a partnership of sorts." He looked at me out of the corner of his eye with a little smirk. I rolled my eyes at him and snorted quietly.

A partnership, huh? Is that what he calls murder and sex?

"What's that supposed to mean?" My dad asked, eyeballing back and forth between Danny and i.

"It means, he's my boyfriend. Let it go, dad." I sighed, frustrated already and stormed my way inside.

"Mom?" I called, looking around the corners into the living room and kitchen for her. I could hear her in her bedroom crying softly to herself in her comfy chair by the window as i stepped in.

"Mom." I announced to her, she snapped her head up to look at me and her lip quivered.

"Y/n!" She exclaimed, reaching a hand out towards me. Before she could even get past her knee i was already across the room and had her hand in mine. I patted her frail little hand soothingly, and knelt on the floor in front of her. She petted my hair smooth with her free hand.

"Who could have done this to your sweet sister?" She hiccupped. I had to bite the inside of my cheek so i didn't accidentally say anything that upset her further.

I've done enough damage to my poor mother.

"Honey...please be careful out there. I couldn't take it if i lost you too."

"I will mom, i promise." I sighed, hanging my head low and brushing her knuckles with my thumb.

"Oh. Is this your friend, dear?" She said suddenly.

"I'm Ripley, ma'am. Y/n's boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you, and my deepest condolences for your loss." Daniel's voice commanded the room as he stepped in it, taking my mother's free hand in his to give her a polite handshake.

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