chapter 13

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The drive back home was faster than the drive to my parents house, thank god Danny sometimes drove like a madman. I couldn't wait to get out of that house. I sighed to myself and Danny placed his hand on my knee. He looked like he was about to burst with excitement.

"What's up with you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He grinned a little wider and patted my leg gently.

"You introduced me as your boyfriend." He said, giddily.

"Do you have any idea how happy that made me?" He asked, leaning over to take my hand and bring it to his lips, kissing my fingers delicately. I smiled and giggled at his affection, but he had a kind of hunger to them that could only be described as carnal.

"When we get home, I'm going to absolutely wreck you." He chuckled against my hand, kissing my fingers and hand. A shiver ran down my spine as i thought of the way he felt and looked the other night..

I leaned in closer to him to kiss his neck and jaw, drawing a low groan from his chest as i did.

"Yes, please." I giggled against his skin. He sighed softly and leaned his cheek on top of my head, resting it on my hair. I stared absently out the windshield of the car, watching for anything interesting. My mind went to dark places, like what happens later...


"Yes, love?" He asked happily, oblivious to the questions going through my head.

"After we kill Joseph...what are you going to do?" He flinched when he realized what i was really asking.

"I..." he bit his lip. "I wanted to leave town, to be honest." I sat up off him, the pain in my chest cut deep. Way deeper than i wanted it to, to the point that tears threatened my eyes.

"What?" I frowned, my brow furrowed. He looked at me and stumbled over his words for a moment, before sighing.

"I wanted to." He said, "if you want the full truth, my plan was to kill you and then skip town. Thats why my house is so empty, i was going to leave soon." He groaned, gripping the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white, then he pulled over onto the side of my street, my house was a mere few yards away, and he still stopped on the road. He looked frustrated and uncomfortable.

"But then, i actually met you. And I've never wanted to stay somewhere so badly before. I want to stay with you. But I have no choice, i have to move soon." He released the steering wheel and reached for my hand, taking my fingers in his.
He looked up at me, but kept his head down. Like a dog being scolded. I looked at his hand on mine and tenderly ran my thumb across his knuckles.
I bit my lip, my chest throbbing with heartache. He really wanted to kill me that night, and the only reason he didn't was because he sensed something kindred. He was alone, like me. No one understood our instincts like we did. As much as i longed for company, it was truly the intimacy and understanding i was after.

Danny understands. And it gets more and more attached and intimate between us by the day.

But he can't stay here and I understand why.

"Let's go together." He grabbed my hand tighter, and his eyes pleaded with mine as he snapped his head up.

"Together?" I squeezed his hand back.

"I was planning on heading for Salem, Massachusetts. Please, come with me." His confession and offer made my heart thump wildly in my chest, my words caught in my throat. I could barely breathe. The thought of him leaving me behind made me want to scream, but the thought of going with him made my head spin. There was nothing left for me in this town, i could go so easily.

"We can get away from everything you hate here. Your father, your sister, your ex. All of it. Please, come with me." He pulled my hand close to his chest, and i could feel his heart beating rapidly in my fingers, he was terrified.

"I don't want to be alone again...Dont leave me behind." My lip quivered and my chest heaved with a breath. Danny yanked me forward and into an embrace, holding me tightly against his chest. When had i become so emotional about someone? I never cried when it came to Joseph, or anyone for that matter.

"I can't do that. I won't leave without you." He buried my face in his neck and petted his hand through my hair.

"When are we going?" I asked, managing to collect myself before more tears threatened their way out.

"After Joseph. I don't want you to leave with unfinished business." He rubbed my back soothingly, but his voice grew dark as he finished sentence. I nodded, thats just how i would have wanted to leave this place.

"Let's go home, Danny." I said, pulling away from him. "I want to plan this out, so we can leave sooner." He smiled at me and gently caressed my cheeks, and pulled me in for a deep kiss, passionate and gentle all at once.

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