chapter 6

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Ghostface stepped into his bedroom, and let out a long, shaky breath.

He almost lost control back there. She almost had him taking her right there on the counter. He went to his dresser and tucked his mask into the drawer. After taking a few moments to recollect himself he stepped out of the room, pulling a jacket from the hallway closet.

"Ready, love?" He asked, looking at Y/n perched delicately on the couch. He visibly watched her resolve towards him chip away bit by bit, with each pet name. He wondered if she was acting, or if she really was melting in the palm of his hand.

He'd know by tonight.

"Where are we going, Ripley?" She asked, standing and joining his side. He reached a hand out for her, pleased when she slipped her tiny hand in his. He only now noticed it was bandaged, and recalled the evening he marked her. A tiny smile creased his face. He couldn't wait to see the scars.

"The store. You need a disguise, just in case." He said, beaming. I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"I've never used a disguise before. I don't think i need one." I said.

"Love, you're going to be murdering your family and someone you were close to for how long? You need a disguise, so they won't recognize you." he clamped his grip around my hand and led me towards his car. This was strange, interacting with him without the mask. 

"Ghost..I mean, Ripley, can i ask you something?" I said, eyeing the thin bandages that covered my hand. 

"Of course." he smiled warmly at me, it was almost so easy to forget who he really was without the mask.

"Why did you cut my hand that night?" I watched his eyes for any unspoken expression as his smile broke. A dark look crossed his face as he leaned in close to my ear and murmured,

"Because i wanted that bastard to know that if he came back, you weren't his girl anymore." He leaned back away, but not without planting a tender little kiss on my cheek.

"Let's go, love." He gently snaked his arm over my shoulders, gently guiding me into the passengers seat. He shut the door and circled the outside of the car, a moment's passed and he's in the seat with the engine revving. I couldn't help but admire how fluid he moved. Like water embodied. I pulled my seatbelt over my lap and clipped it shut. He mirrored my action and pulled out of the driveway with equal control and fluidity as his body. it was a strange kind of attractive how calculated each of his movements were. Maybe it was a serial killer's instinct.

A killer being attracted to a killer. 

He's one hell of a killer to be attracted to. I thought, restraining from sliding my hand over his knee.

He seemed to be reading my mind when he did just that, and gave my thigh a little squeeze. The soft pressure sent pleasure straight up to my core. He smirked when my legs involuntarily clamped together.

We drove in silence till he stopped at a halloween store. I blinked at the building, not really sure what i expected. I looked at Ripley,  and raised an eyebrow. He broke out in a stupid cheesy grin.

"I know, i know. It's dumb, getting your killing outfit from a halloween store. But hey, it works." He put his palms up in mock surrender as a bunch of bubbly giggles escaped my chest. Of course. It made too much dumb sense to be taken seriously, but at the same time it was a completely valid idea.

He stopped the car in the parking lot, and hopped out, i followed after him, a giddy high of excitement and anticipation pumped through my chest as he extended his hand out for me to take, like a gentleman. How could someone so sadistic in how he kills also be so gentle? I can't understand it. He led with his thumb brushing lightly over my knuckles, a small gesture that felt too intimate for someone who i barely know, but yet, feel so completely comfortable with.

"So my dear, i had a fun idea." He started, looking over his shoulder at me. I raised an eyebrow and smirked, oh boy.

"And what might that have been?" I asked, that mischievous look in his eye shone more sinister beneath the spooky decorative red lighting of the store.

He beamed and took me to an aisle with a variety of masks.

"Close your eyes, i wanna see first." He looked about to burst, the excitement rolled off of him in waves. I sighed and relinquished my sight, covering my face with a hand. The seconds were agonizing as I waited, until his hand peeled mine away. I almost opened my eyes but he slipped the thing fabric over my head, and i heard a small laugh vibrate through him.

"Alright dollface, open your eyes. Adjust it however you need to, make sure you can see." He said.

"Are you sure about this? I really think this might be a bit much." I asked, adjusting the mask till i could see out of the thin peepholes.

"Oh, trust me dollface, this is perfect."  He practically hummed, a wide grin stretched across his face and he pointed at a mirror behind me.

I turned around to look, and was greeted with the iconic mask of the Ghostface himself, on me. His reflecting came up behind me and i could see that dark, hunting look in his eye. He did this on purpose. I couldn't help the amused giggle that escaped my chest as i reached back and gently ran the backs of my fingers across his cheek as he kissed my shoulder

"What do you think, love?" He asked sweetly in my ear.

"You were right. It's perfect." He kissed my neck and chuckled to himself. I couldn't help the smirk that grew behind the mask.

"I think we should make a few revisions to the plan.." I muttered in his ear, earning an interested hum from Ripley. He smiled at me, and nodded.

"It's your plan, love. We'll do it your way." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I removed the mask, and turned it over in my hands. It was so simple. Why hadn't i thought of it?

"No. It's my plan, but we'll do it your way." I looked at him in the mirror, and his eyes grew wide with excitement. 

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" He asked, teasing.

"We can talk more in private." I said, pulling myself out of his arms. He caught my wrist in his hand and dragged along behind me as i took the mask up to the counter to pay for it.

"Who's house, mine or yours?" He asked. I laughed softly to myself, not really giving him an answer. I dreaded him seeing the inside of my office. Had he already? No, maybe he didn't. He would have said something about my trophy case. I shook it off. He leaned in real close to my ear, his warm breath tickling my neck as he muttered in my ear;

"You know, planning things would be alot easier under one roof."

I could feel the heat rise in my entire body, was he really suggesting to stay together? That...was tempting. Too tempting.

"Don't have to answer me now, think about it." He said, gently rubbing my back with his palm as i fished my cash from my purse. He straightened his posture as we made it to the register, the cashier gave us a distant look after grabbing the mask from me. She offered a silent smile, but behind her eyes screamed some level of boredom as she took the cash from my hand. 

She pushed the bag and mask toward me and waved us off.

When we made it into the car Ghostface gave me a look, and smiled.

"Well, what's the new plan, dollface?" 

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