chapter 3

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The more i debated about it, the less of a good idea it seemed now that i know he was watching me. Killing them might have to wait until he's dealt with. Would i even be able to take out the Ghostface? He's been terrorizing this town for months. No one knows who he is.

Where would i start, in killing him? Draw him out and get him then? No, he'd be ready for something like that. I sighed. This just got messy.

I puffed out a long breath, and twisted my legs to turn the swiveling office chair in my home office, staring at the floor. The phone ringing knocked me from my trance, and i picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"'s me." My sister's voice drifted from the other end of the line. I went to put the phone back in the receiver as she practically yelled,

"Don't hang up! I need to talk to you."

I scoffed,

"About what? The fact that i caught you in my bed with my boyfriend?" I spat at her, practically seething with rage all over again. She went dead quiet on the other end for a few agonizing moments before she said,

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. But in reality, you guys weren't doing so good anyways, so does it really matter?" She asked so innocently, it almost floored me how calm and innocent she was about the whole thing. I blinked and gritted my teeth.

"How can you say that? I'm sorry and it doesn't matter in the same sentence?" I shook my head. I'll never understand manipulation like this. It's too blatant and intellectually insulting.

"I just don't understand why you're so upset. You guys weren't gonna last anyways." I could practically hear the eye roll. I held back a groan and slammed the phone into the reciever, ending the call.

I can't wait to kill her.

I have to wait to kill her.

I can't wait to kill her.

I could still go on that run with her. I could just join her without saying anything. We have a reason to rekindle, but I'll have to look at the trail first.

I lurched up from my spot and stormed towards the closet, yanking the door open and pulling my trusty tool bag from the back, slinging it over my shoulder. I kicked the door closed behind me as i headed to the garage, determined. There was going to be blood tonight, and it doesn't matter whose.

I yanked my keys off their place hook on the wall and stormed outside to my car. I threw the bag into the backseat haphazardly and slid inside to start the great old rust-bucket.
I reversed out of the garage a little too quick, the car threatening to spin off the road into the ditch across the street. I fumbled with the stick and shoved it into drive, taking off with a screech.

I need to go to my sister's favorite park.


"Well she's off in a hurry." He said to himself, peering through his binoculars to watch her. He saw the way she peeled out of the garage. He started the engine of his own car and followed her. They drove for a while till she stopped at a park, and got out. She slammed the door shut, taking to the back seat to rummage around in a bag. He saw the glint of a familiar object in her hand, a knife.

"What is she doing?" He mumbled to himself, concern dripping into every syllable. He slipped his mask under his shirt in case he needed it. He stepped out of his car and closed it quietly, following along behind her at a distance. She seemed to be surveying the area, looking at the top of lightpoles, studying the trail. He was excited to see her plan.

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