29 ~ [Love Means Destruction]

Start from the beginning

Soon we were done with the business talk and we were about to leave. I turned back the last time and glanced her way, this time for the first time my mouth turned into a smile before I even realized.


I visited the same cafe a few days after that day again. This time was the first time we talked. She greeted me handing over the menu with her pleasant smile.

"Sir, what would you like to have?" She waited for me to go through the menu and respond.
I want to have you. That's what my mind uttered

"An expresso. Thankyou" saying that I handed her the menu. She took it and gave me that fascinating, beautiful, heart capturing smile smile of her again. Wait did I say heart capturing? As if I have one.
It's the first time I'm attracted to someone like this but why? I have plenty of women with perfect body, sexy, good in bed and all of those threw themselves on me. Isn't she attracted to me?


I started to visit the same cafe again and again like I was a coffeeholic or I actually became one. She knew me as a regular customer at the shop. As I got to see and grew to know her more and more, I wanted her more and more. What's wrong with Azezal Pavano my inner pride screamed but my craving for her enlarged even before I could put them on place. This is what? Maybe I want her in bed and it will be over. I was never like this, this never happened before. It's just lust, I thought. Once I get her in bed and I'll lose interest in her.

But I knew she wasn't a one night stand kinda girl or someone who would be after a person for their looks or even money. Cause I was it all but I never noticed her seeing me the way other women does....

Slowly I even realized it wasn't just lust what I had for her... it was a lot more than that... something maybe I won't like to admit but I actually do have it for her. ONLY FOR HER!


I got to know a lot about her and we were kinda acquaintance but I had literally no idea what she thought about me. So, I actually wanted her to know me and I wanted to know her even more.

I took her to a lavender garden. My mom's favourite too. This garden was made for my mom, she loves spending time here. After I knew how much she loved lavender too I thought bringing her here will be more accurate than any other place. She would love that too

It's not like I had proposed her that day. In my whole life I never proposed anyone nor did felt something before like I feel now. I don't know what is it but I knew my heart craves for this person.

"Let's know eachother more" I said as a smile lingered on my face. I didn't know what to say more though. I never felt this way

After that day we started to talk more, get to know eachother more but I wondered if she felt the same way how I felt for her


One day I saw the manager of the cafe where she worked yelling at her. That pissed me so fucking much. I don't care if she did any mistake or even any fucking thing but he wasn't meant to yell at my girl. She's mine. The thing that he even had the guts made me fucking nuts

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