Chapter 23

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As it turned out, we didn't have to wait for Ben to track down Tobias. He walked into my hospital room the second day, seeming unsurprised that I wasn't alone. Caden jumped to his feet at the sight of him, fists clenched when they made eye contact.

"Caden-" he started in a remorseful voice.

Before he could get another word out, though, Caden had punched him hard in the mouth.

"Bastard, that was for hurting Andy and putting her in danger." He hissed at him before landing another punch right into Tobais' gut. I winced as it landed and I could hear the wind being knocked out for him. "And that's for leaving me without a word."

Tobias clutched at his stomach, standing upright cautiously as if he unsure if the beating was over. Caden studied him carefully before pulling his brother into a hug. "I'm sorry for what you've gone through."

After a few shocked seconds, Tobias returned the hug, tightly gripping his younger brother close.

"Andy told me everything, I would have liked to meet your mate." Caden continued, pulling away after a bit. "I'm going to help you get justice for this."

"Thank you." Tobias said thickly. "And I'm so sorry for putting Andy in danger, that was the last thing I intended." He directed the last part at me.

I smiled as I saw the honesty in his eyes. "I believe I was the one who stubbornly refused to leave without calming those ghosts. You were just trying to keep me safe."

Caden cleared his throat a little, seeming not to want to dwell on this any longer. "I've been talking with Ben and we think we have an idea on how to fix this. Andy had mentioned she thought discrediting our father in front of the pack would force everyone to see him in a different light. I agree, I think it could get enough sympathy on our side that you could challenge him publicly. If I second your right to a challenge and the majority of the council agrees that the situation deserves justice, you can fight him one-on-one."

Tobias looked at his brother, shaking his head sharply. "I can't win against him like that."

"It's been ten years, Tobias. Do you really think you're not stronger now?" I asked him.

Tobias looked at me, seeming to think my words over.

"She's right, father never said anything but I know one of the reasons he began to turn things over to me is because he's getting older and slower." Caden added in. "Besides, Ben and I will help you train. I plan on calling a pack meeting in one month under the guise of introducing my mate to everyone. I don't plan on telling father who she is yet, but that should make him less suspicious. With everyone present, you can tell your side of the story."

Tobias didn't seem able to speak for a moment. "Thank you." He finally murmured. "I've been a rogue for too long, I guess. I'm not used to people helping me just for the sake of it."

"I wouldn't say that..." I told him. "I do need your help."

Tobias and Caden both shot me a confused look.

"I want you to come with me and visit Danny. He's been dead for so long he's begun to forget who he is and why he's here. I think now that I know his name and story, I'll finally be able to put him to rest."

And with that, we had him sold. Over the next month, Caden was too busy helping Tobias train to be with me every moment of the day and was incredibly apologetic for it, but I didn't mind. My friends took turns coming to visit me, and even Sara and Ben stopped in from time to time with their other housemates. I was shocked at first at the sudden flip of attitude they all had towards me, but what I had done for Ben seemed to resonate with them all in a very strong way.

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