Chapter 8

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            The first thing I was aware of when I woke up was a painful throbbing in my temple that made me groan and cringe. The second thing that I knew was that there was an annoying light that managed to seep past my eyelids invasively. A hand glided up my back, reaching my cheek and gently pushing some hair away from my face.

            “Go close the curtain.” I commanded, not even bothering to find out who it was.

            A deep chuckle made me peek one eye open to see Jason watching me with an amused expression.

            “That wasn’t what I was expecting to hear at all. I at least wanted some screaming and accusations.”

            “Nope.” I groaned, rolling over and dragging a fair share of the blankets with me. “At this point all I want is some ibuprofen, water, and that damn curtain to shut.”

            “As you wish.” He whispered in my ear. It took only a second for a glass of water and pills to be shoved into my hands with the invasive light no longer a problem.

            “You make an efficient slave.” I smirked at him as I took the pills from him and quickly took them, gulping down the water.

            “Well I figured you earned a little break after all the information you gave me last night.” He said slyly.

            I choked slightly on my water and emerged spluttering. He laughed heartily at that and patted me on the back, making me choke more.

            “Not helping you moron!” I gasped out, pushing him away. When I finally got control, I looked up at him suspiciously. “What do you mean ‘information’?”

            Jason winked at me. “Don’t worry, you only told me your life’s story. Something about being able to see ghosts, and then you told me about your lovely ex-boyfriend Steven.”

            I huffed out a breath and flopped down on the bed gently, wincing slightly as my head made contact.

            “Oh and we made out. A lot.” He added, his grin widening and wiggling his eyebrows for added effect.

            I scrunched up my nose at him. “Ew.”

            “Hey!” he instantly said, pretending to sound offended. “You weren’t at all saying that last night, let me assure you. It was more along the lines of ‘Oh Jason! Oh yeeeeess! Ah!’” he pretended to moan and make sex noises until I hit him with my pillow.

            “Shut up you freak of the night.”   

            “Oh very clever, you come up with that by yourself?”

            I grabbed my pillow back from him and tucked it behind my head.

            “So now that you know my life, do you want to tell me your story? It has to be more fascinating than mine.” I raised an eyebrow at him.

            “Hmmm.” Jason pretended to deliberate before wrinkling his nose and shrugging. “Nah.”

            I twisted my mouth at his smirking face and finally sighed.


            “Feeling better? I’m impressed you haven’t thrown up yet.”

            “I hold my alcohol pretty good.” I shrugged. “The medicine helped.”

            “Glad to hear it. Come on, I’ll make you some food.”

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