Chapter 9

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            It was the day before spring break ended and I had come back from playing soccer at the park with Derek and Isaac. I had asked them why it was they could come out in the sun and had been told that they couldn’t the first few months as a newly turned vampire, but after a while they were able to stand the rays and were gradually introduced once again to the daytime by Trish.

            I walked into the apartment expecting it to be empty since Trish was gone with Andrés and Jason had gone out for some reason. Things had been tense between Trish and Jason recently as Trish was having a hard time finding a way to break the spell. I honestly thought Jason was going to murder at one point in time and it had taken Andrés snarling and standing protectively in front of her with me grabbing onto Jason’s arm to keep him from attacking.

He had also found a new way to annoy her; by calling me “best friend” at every opportunity and clinging on to me all the damn time. Not only did it irritate her, but it pissed off Andrés, Isaac, and Derek which Jason seemed to find as an added bonus. The four of them had talked to me when Jason was gone one night and I had told them that although he seemed like an asshole around them, he was usually very nice to me. They had all been hesitant to believe me since I had said the same thing about Steven and they said I was “just too forgiving of the faults in others”, but that night I had fallen asleep on the couch while watching a movie and Trish said Jason carried me to my room and tucked me in. After she witnessed that they had all lightened up on him slightly.

I threw my keys on the table and slipped my shoes off, but then jumped slightly as I saw a figure heading my way. I calmed down when I saw it was just Jason with a satisfied smirk on his pale yet flushed face and I rolled my eyes at the telltale signs and walked over to sit on the couch.

“You got one of your victims over?” I asked him.

            He shrugged, completely unabashed. “Would you stop calling them victims, it makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong. I can assure you they are all very willing.” He winked at me suggestively and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

            “Vampires are disgusting.” I muttered.

            “That’s not a very nice thing to say to your boyfriend.” He pouted, coming to sit by me on the couch and throwing an arm around my shoulder.

            “That’s not nice of you, cheating on your girlfriend when she’s in the same house as you.” I mocked him.

            “Maybe I’m hoping you’ll stumble across us and join in. Or if you asked nicely I’d dump her in a second and just have you.” He dug his nose into my neck and inhaled deeply, flicking his tongue out to lightly trace where my pulse was beating. “God what I would give to just taste you!"

            “Never going to happen, lover boy.” I told him pointedly, pushing his head away.

           “Or I could just be your lover, I’m fine with that too.” He grinned at me wickedly, a flash of his fangs peaking through.

         “I don’t know, can vampires get diseases? I’d hate to wind up with herpes or some other nasty thing you’ve picked up."

       “Completely disease free, doll.” He whispered in his smooth voice. I wasn’t sure how he made that sound seductive, but somehow coming from him it was. He leaned in again to press kisses up the side of my neck and I found myself melting under his touch, tilting my head to give him better access.

 “You’re so cruel.” He moaned, inhaling deeply.

“So much for being my lover, you wouldn’t be able to have sex without drinking blood.” I told him with a slight smirk, but the smirk instantly vanished into a gasp as he began to suck on my neck without the use of his fangs.

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