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You went to the spot Talia told you to meet her. You tapped your foot anxiety eating at you. You began doubting her, thinking of all the possible reasons for her to be late.

She had said to meet at 8 o clock and it was now 8:03. You didnt know whether or not she was late but in you're opinion it wasnt setting a good impression on herself.

You told yourself to give it 2 more minutes and if she didnt show up you would leave.

"Y/n!" You heard her shout, other students turning towards her with annoyed looks as it was still early.

You didnt mind though, her enthusiasm to see you made you internally smile. She ran up to you stretching her arms out for a hug.

You shook your head as you didnt want one. And began walking down the path, hands in pockets and facing the floor.

Talia caught up, she was thinking of ways to start a conversation, she realised how introverted you were and from the way people talk to you, you dont have many friends. She needed to think of something that wasn't personal but would make you laugh.

"If a zombie Apocalypse was gonna happen how long do you think you would survive?" She asked, it was a great way to start a convo.

"If I stayed in my house for 2 days the zombies would have rotted and I would have survived." You answered.

Talia held a look of confusion on her face  before speeding up her walk to catch up with you. "That makes sense, but like lets say they're like the zombies in World War Z what do you think will happen then."

World War z was that a zombie movie, you thought to yourself. You remembered the movie clearly Dylan watched it with you when you were younger. You remembered the behind the scenes were it said it based the zombies off animals and thats why they could climb walls and shit.

"Well I dont think i would survive,  I dont have a gun on me and those beasts can climb." You answered your tone becoming lighter as the sentence went on comfort showing in your body language.

"Youre right those fuckers can climb and they are fucking fast as well, that ain't funny at all." She giggled with an exaggerated tone.

You both approached school, in the corner of your eye you saw Bakugou harrasing Midoriya, you wanted to help out but you were to scared to do so. You watched as Okumara stole his school equipment while taunting him about being quirkless.

"Why is Okumara hurting that kid?" Talia asked she sounded irritated her curly her hiding the frown in her face as she didn't wait for me to answer already walking away and confronting the group.

You saw this as a queue to leave, they probably wouldn't attack Talia, well maybe they would. But you didn't want to be next on there agenda,you floated over to your seat sitting and waiting for class to begin.

The next person to walk in was Midoriya he was likely to not get hit by Bakugou as he wouldn't harm him, the reason you didn't know, but it proved he had a soft spot for Midoriya but completely hated you.

After Midoriya was Talia, Bakugou and Okumara they weren't arguing more like talking as if they've known each other for a long time. You were shocked you wanted to know how she did it, maybe it was another part of her quirk that allowed her to get on people's good side.

You felt a little jealous, why hadn't you been liked that easily, has it got to do with pretty privelledge or something.

You turned your attention to the front opening your notebook and writing the date. You got your equipment out and stared at the front of the classroom.

"Okumara seems safe, really doesn't like you though." Talia stated, she didn't see anything wrong with her words, in her opinion its better to know what everyone thinks of you rather than stay in a bubble.

You nodded your head chewing on your lip, it wasnt new info it just made you so uncomfy when someone says it to your face.

"Hey y/n come here." Shoko called out to you by the door. You could have refused, you could've stayed in your seat but no you stood up and listened.


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