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It was now summer, your exams went well, and you getting at the top in your class again although your grades were lacking getting an A instead of an A+.

You sat in Eri's room reading her a story, it was dork diaries a book you deemed appropriate for her age as she found Nicki Maxwell quite funny smile smiles on her face, you just hoped she wouldn't stop smiling living in a place like this.

You wanted to display your quirk to her but didn't want to get into trouble for using it around her.

You kept reading the book feeling her relax in your hold as she fell asleep.

It was then that you were told to go home, Dylan gripped the steering wheel tight but kept his temper to himself.

"Do you want to go to town?" He asked.

You gasped in shock, that was so unexpected, was it a bluff or was he being serious. You did look good and your hair looked nice too so it would be nice to do so.

"Answer or we're going home." He snapped impatiently.

"Yes, I wanna go." You answered, feeling a little giddy. You watched as the scenery changed, with more modern buildings surrounding the area and more people walking around in different types of clothing. 

You saw teenagers there too, inside fast-food restaurants all giggling and shit. you couldn't help but feel jealous of the freedom they were experiencing.

Dylan parked his car inside one of those buildings with layers of car parks.

You felt giddy as you came out of the car, you wanted to run around the floor you were on. 

You felt a great burst of happiness as Dylan lent you money.

"In 1 hour I want you back here, I have business of my own to attend to you need to stay safe and don't talk to anyone you don't know." His grip on your shoulders was tight but you ignored it a bubbling feeling in your stomach.

You walked away, you didn't know what to do, where to go, how were you to begin, you could eat at Nando's you'd never been there before maybe you could go to urban outfitters you would look so cool in vintage clothing.

When you walked into the shopping centre you decided to go to Primark, the place was cheap and had many options for you to pick from. You were gonna be searching for stuff for a while.


Falling asleep was not something on your agenda, you woke up outside the now empty mall, although the streets were crowded with young adults and teens trying to find the cheapest nightclub.

You panicked yes you had bags with clothes, luckily they weren't stolen, but your dad had said one hour and now looking at the clock it had been 4.

You stayed where you were hyperventilating, and doing the flickering thing you did around Talia, how could you, how were you this dumb, you couldn't even fathom what to do.

Where was your phone? You checked your pocket only to see that it was dead. You didn't know your way back now that it was dark, what were you meant to do.

Looking around you saw a group of young adults, one of the older girls noticed your panicking state, but when you saw who she was with you wish she had ignored you.

The feeling of hiding bubbling in your stomach, your facing paling, the need to run but your feet were planted n the ground. 

"What's wrong love?" The girl with bunny ears asked, them holding against her head in pity. You couldn't speak a large ball in your throat, choking you a pain darting through you.

You wanted to go, why couldn't you move why couldn't you speak, why couldn't you use your quirk.

There stood with the lady were your two, you didn't even know what to call them, they didn't force you, you did it yourself.

How could you forget their names seeing Shoko was enough to trigger your fight or flight, Kanji and Suzuki.

The two boys shared a look and snickered at your frozen state. They seemed like the type to not care about how they affect other people.

"Hey, your that girl from Mustafa middle, do you remember me?"  He looked down at you, how you quaked in fear your feet planted on the ground but after years of masking it became natural to just reply.


"Of course, she remembers. We are remarkable people to her after all, I'm sure she'll never forget."



Sick people.

How could they after doing that to you after ruining you, after leaving damage to your brain they're acting like it's a joke.

"You know her?" The kind lady asked.

"Yeh, she's one of my cousin's mates," Kanji answered.

"Then you can help her home."

Can You NotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin