I Like You

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Toni woke up to her phone vibrating.

Kenny: Look out the window.

Toni looked out the window to see Kenny standing there waving. She smiled at him and texted him back.

Toni: I'll be down in a minute.

She carefully walked around the girls and made her way down the hall. She peeked into Jacie's room before going downstairs and meeting Kenny.

Once she got to her backyard Kenny picked her up spinning her around.

"Ken. What are you doing?" She laughed

"I don't know, I just wanted to see you." He confessed. "I know it's late but can we go for a walk?"

"Sure, I'd love to." Toni grabbed Kenny's hand as he led her onto the street where they began to walk around their neighborhood.

"Toni, I have a confession. I like you....a lot. You're kind, patient, smart and beautiful. I love how you twiddle your thumbs when you get nervous and how you scrunch your nose when you laugh. I've never met anyone like you."

"Wow. I've never really had a boy show interest in me so this is all new. But I do know what I feel and I like you a lot too." She said making Kenny smile "Can we take things slow?" She asked

"Of course. Whatever you want."

They stared at each other before they both leaned in meeting in the middle.

The kiss was soft and gentle. Toni felt like she was floating. When they pulled away they just stared at each other and smiled.

"I want to take you on a date, if that's ok with you." Kenny said

"I'd love that. The only thing is I have to watch my sister all week after school."

"She can come too, if that's alright."

"Yeah that's fine. I'm pretty sure she's starting to like you better than me anyway." Toni joked

The pair walked back down the street towards their houses. Kenny walked Toni to her door and gave her a quick peck before she went in. He then jogged back over to his house.

Toni walked back up to her room and went into her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled as she touched her lips still thinking about how they felt on Kenny's.

What Toni and Kenny didn't know was that there was someone watching them from not too far away. The person angry as they saw the two share a kiss. It was ok though, they'd get what their revenge soon...real soon.

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